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10 October 2023, Volume 3 Issue 4
    Research on the Marketing Effects of Visual, Auditory and Content Features of Short Videos on E-commerce Platform
    Sun Zhenghui, Zheng Jianping, Wang Youwei
    2023, 3(4):  1-21. 
    Abstract ( 842 )   PDF (9863KB) ( 1074 )  
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    With the popularity of short videos, “short video e-commerce” are adopted by more and more companies. Short videos are very helpful in e-commerce context because they carry more information than texts and pictures do. However, what kind of short videos can more effectively promote product sales in e-commerce context? This paper draw samples o£ short videos on the "Mogujie" platform and extracts features that may affect the marketing effects of short videos, such as visual perception, auditory perception and video content. Then we construct multiple linear regression model, classification and regression tree model and random forest model to study the relationship between short video features and their marketing effects, which are measured by the sales of the products introduced in the short video. The research results show that although the visual, auditory and content features of short videos are all related to the marketing effects, the content features have the strongest effects on the sales performance.
    What Kind of Persona is Preferred: The Effect of Intelligent Voice Communication Modes on Consumers’ Brand Attachment
    Qi Haifeng, Yu Hui, Fei Hongping
    2023, 3(4):  22-40. 
    Abstract ( 549 )   PDF (10819KB) ( 834 )  
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    With the popularity of intelligent products, more and more consumers can have personalized and diversified product experiences. Focusing on the anthropomorphism of intelligent products, this paper discusses the influences of different modes of intelligent voice communication on consumers' brand attachment. Based on the communication modes obtained from qualitative interviews, two experiments are designed and show that partner communication mode can stimulate consumers' brand attachment more significantly than servant communication mode can, and the para-social interaction between consumers and intelligent products explains its internal mechanism. In addition, brand personality plays a moderating role. According to the above conclusions, the research provides relevant management suggestions.
    Smart or Cute? The Influences of the Service Robots’ Characteristics on Customer Satisfaction
    Zhu Yimin, Liang Jiaming, Wu Jifei
    2023, 3(4):  41-59. 
    Abstract ( 431 )   PDF (11855KB) ( 641 )  
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    Service robot is considered to be an important way to reduce costs, improve efficiency and promote service innovation. But how to use service robot to improve customer satisfaction, is a core concern of service enterprises. Drawing upon customer value hierarchy theory, this study constructs an impact model of service robots perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness on customer satisfaction, including the boundary condition of consumption motivation and the underlying mechanism of interactive experience. An exploratory study of 2,201 network texts of customers and two empirical studies of 622 adult respondents showed that perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness of service robot positively affect customer satisfaction and downstream behavior (patronage intention and willingness to share). Consumption motivation has a moderating effect on the influence of perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness of service robot. For utilitarian motivation, perceived intelligence has a greater impact on customer satisfaction than hedonic motivation. While for hedonic motivation, perceived cuteness has a greater impact on customer satisfaction than utilitarian motivation. And such moderating effect is mediating by customer engagement. This study not only makes theoretical contribution on clarifying the different effects of perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness of service robots on customer satisfaction, but also provides an important reference for service enterprises to introduce and apply service robots in practice.
    Behavior-based Pricing in Firms with Differentiated Digital Capabilities
    Teng Wenbo, Wang Zhenyu, Gao Xin
    2023, 3(4):  60-78. 
    Abstract ( 230 )   PDF (8462KB) ( 302 )  
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    Considering the differences of firms' digital capabilities, this paper studies how behavior-based pricing ( BBP ) affects pricing decisions, profits and strategy choices of both firms. We use Hotelling model to construct a two-period pricing model in a competitive market. By comparing prices and profits of both firms, the study reaches the following conclusions: (1) the equilibrium of the second period is jointly affected by the market share in the first period and digital capabilities gap, which leads to three possible equilibriums. Meanwhile, in the equilibrium of the second period, the price for current customers may be lower than that for new customers; (2) when the market share gap in the first period is large, BBP increases the profits of both firms in the second period. However, the profit of firm that shares a larger market in the first period is lower than the firm's competitor in the second period; (3) a pure strategy equilibrium exists, when the digital capability gap is large enough or small enough. Further, when the digital capability gap is large enough, the advantage firm can get new customers, which help it get rid of the prisoner's dilemma brought by BBP and achieve profit growth.
    Too Capricious to be Mannered: How does Exposure to Whimsical Cuteness Products Affect Consumers’ Unethical Behavior
    Fei Xianzheng, Li Ruoxi, Wang Haiyan
    2023, 3(4):  79-101. 
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (12510KB) ( 457 )  
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    Based on priming effect, this research examined the influence of whimsically cute products as environmental cues on consumers' tendency to behave unethically. Four experiments found that consumers who were presented with whimsically cute products were more likely to act unethically in subsequent situations. This effect was mediated by capricious association. When the association is made explicit or cut off, the effect weakens or even disappears. This research contributes to the literatures on cuteness perception and consumers' unethical behavior and has important practical value for marketers.
    The Dual-Path Effect of Message Intervention Strategies on the Purchase Intentions of Environmentally Friendly Products
    Li Yang, Yang Dandan , Liang Yuxuan
    2023, 3(4):  102-122. 
    Abstract ( 305 )   PDF (11899KB) ( 356 )  
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    Carbon neutrality has profound implications for sustainable development in China and the world, and pro-environmental behavior of consumers can be an important contribution to achieving carbon neutrality. Based on this, our study explores how information intervention strategies can be taken to guide residents to use environmentally friendly products for waste separation. Four experiments of the research lead to the following conclusions: (a) the negative message framing (vs. positive message framing) has a better effect on the purchase intention of eco-friendly products, and the dual mediating path of perceived value and pro-environmental personal norms (PPNs) explains this effect; ( b) environmental concerns together with perceived value or PPNs play a chain mediating role in the influence of message content on purchase intentions; ( c) individuals’ mindset towards message ( construal level) moderates the mediating role of environmental concerns, such that environmental message (vs. self-message) has better persuasive effect on consumers who has a mind-set at the low level of abstraction. The research explains the differential impacts of message interventions on the purchase intentions of environmentally friendly products through multiple pathways, as well as the matching with individuals. Our findings extend the theory of message intervention and provide effective recommendations for companies to develop marketing strategies for environmentally friendly products.
    Creating a Personal Brand-oriented Virtual Influencer: The Strategy of Emotional Practices
    Xu Zhennan, Liu Xi , Liu Guilin
    2023, 3(4):  123-143. 
    Abstract ( 520 )   PDF (11716KB) ( 563 )  
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    With the rapid development of digital technology, virtual influencers have become an important carriers of corporate marketing practices. However, existing research lacks exploration of the growth process of virtual influencers. This study proposes the concept of virtual influencers personal brand through an interpretative research of a core datasets of six virtual influencers under a leading industry company's Weibo accounts. From the perspective of corporate-led marketing practices, a process model for the personal branding of virtual influencers is established in this research. The model highlights the role of e-motional practices, centered around character positioning and self-narration, in establishing the personal brand of virtual influencers. It also elucidates the narrative mechanisms that integrate the human aspect and the technological aspect of virtual influencers ,and the role of identity recognition and intuitive image-building in shaping their influence. Based on this, the study points out the directions that corporates need to focus on the practice of branding virtual influencers.
    The Yin Yang Concept of Branding:  A Dao De Jing Perspective
    Zhou Nan
    2023, 3(4):  144-154. 
    Abstract ( 205 )   PDF (5544KB) ( 276 )  
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    Chinese marketing academic community is working diligently in developing marketing and branding theories with Chinese characteristics. In this paper, I first explained how my research thinking changed from the American “ Black and White" thinking to the Chinese "Yin and Yang” thinking, next presented a Yin Yang branding concept, which I proposed with inspiration by Dao De Jing, a classic of Chinese philosophy, probably as a foundation concept of the Chinese branding thought, finally I shareed my thought on how we could provide the world with unique theories applicable to the world in the future.