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16 April 2023, Volume 3 Issue 2
    Privacy Violation Makes You Pursue Uniqueness—Based on the Psychological Mechanism of Perceptual Boundary Invasion
    Liu Xinyan, Wang Lu, Liu Xiaowen, Zhai Xiuxiu
    2023, 3(2):  1-19. 
    Abstract ( 595 )   PDF (10710KB) ( 694 )  
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    The mobile internet enables consumers to switch quickly across multiple scenarios. In this context, this paper explores the mechanism and boundary condition of how the impact of privacy violation further spreads to other seemingly unrelated consumption scenarios. Five experimental studies reveal that privacy violation enhanced consumers' preferences for unique products in subsequent consumptions. The underlying process driving this effect is that consumers perceived their personal boundaries have been invaded when encountering privacy violation and thus sought to rebuild their psychological boundaries by using unique products which symbol invisible boundaries. However, this effect does not exist among consumers with low privacy concerns.
    " Extenuating" or " Worse" —The Impact of Cultural Mixing on Consumers’ Willingness to Forgive
    Nie Chunyan, Wang Tao, Liu Yingwei
    2023, 3(2):  20-36. 
    Abstract ( 622 )   PDF (9722KB) ( 767 )  
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    In order to win the favor of local consumers, more and more global brands begin to use local cultural elements in product design or marketing process. When such global brands make mistakes, will consumers ( due to their love for these brands) think the brands are excusable, or will consumers blame the brands and think they are worse? From the perspective of brand mistakes, this study explores the influence of culture mixing on consumers’willingness to forgive, and deeply analyzes its mediating mechanism and possible boundary conditions. Through two experimental studies, it is found that consumers are more likely to forgive cultural mixed global brands than non-cultural mixed global brands, because the application of local cultural elements will narrow the psychological distance between global brands and consumers, and thus trigger their in-group brand preference. However, this effect only exists when the global brand makes competence mistakes. However, when the brand makes moral mistakes, because consumers have higher moral requirements for those who are psychologically close, therefore, compared with non-cultural mixed global brands, consumers are more difficult to forgive cultural mixed brands. This study is the first to explore the impact of culture mixing on consumers, willingness to forgive from the perspective of brand mistakes, which provides a new perspective and direction for culture mixing research, thus further enriching and expanding existing studies on culture mixing. At the same time, this study also provides important guidances and suggestions for corporate’s cultural mixing design and brand crisis management.
    The Impact of Channel Multiplicity on Cross-channel Integration and Conflict
    Lu Tingyu , Zhuang Guijun
    2023, 3(2):  37-55. 
    Abstract ( 402 )   PDF (10846KB) ( 351 )  
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    Based on open systems theory, by analyzing the data of 212 respondents, this paper investigates the impact of channel multiplicity on cross-channel integration, cross-channel conflict, and the firm's performance. The results show that channel multiplicity tends to increase primarily cross-channel integration and unambiguously promotes the firm's performance, whereas channel multiplicity may foster cross-channel conflict and limit the firm's performance. Moreover, the authors also find that cross-channel integration could mitigate cross-channel conflict. The paper finally discusses the theoretical and practical significance of the results and points out some limitations of this present study and directions for future studies.
    Measuring Received Social Influence in Social Networks: A Comparison of Four Measures
    Liu Xing, Xu Yunjie
    2023, 3(2):  56-77. 
    Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (11809KB) ( 474 )  
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    The online product review social network is a social network with product information and reviews, such as Dou- ban. com. In online product review social network, consumers can not only post product reviews, but also browse friends’ product reviews. Hence, their product purchasing decisions are under the influence of word -of- mouth ( WOM). This paper proposes two novel social influence measures, namely the frequency measure and the frequency-rating measure. Both measures include the structural characteristics of one's network. The former considers actual interaction frequency between consumers f and the latter further considers the valence of WOM. This paper employs two benchmarks from literature, namely the relationship measure and the network exposure measure. The former measures one's social influence by the number of users among his friends, and the latter refers to the proportion of users among his friends. We empirically compare the four measures. The results indicate the frequency-rating measure has the best criterion validity, which is not only in line with the relationship between the social influence and purchasing behavior as suggested by theories of the consumer behavior, but also has better statistical significance and model fit. Hence, it can be used to measure the social impact of consumers, and businesses can also use it to identify susceptible consumers. It provides a more accurate measure for verifying the effect of social influence on consumer purchase.
    The More Wandering, the Higher Intention to Share Minority Source Status Information? —The Effect of Residential Mobility and Numerical Source Status on Online Information Sharing Intention
    Chen Jie, Fan Wenjian, Li Qing, Zhong Jialing
    2023, 3(2):  78-95. 
    Abstract ( 300 )   PDF (10074KB) ( 245 )  
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    Online community provides a continual social platform for the vast floating population. On this platform, consumers establish their public images by sharing information, whereby they can perform impression management and achieve their identity. From the perspective of socioecological psychology, this paper explores the joint effect of residential mobility and numerical source status upon information sharing intention, as well as its mechanism and boundary condition. Across four experiments ,this research shows that: ( 1) Residential mobility and numerical source status jointly affect consumers' information sharing intentions. Specifically, individuals with high residential mobility matched with minority source status, will have higher information sharing intention. Meanwhile, individuals with low residential mobility matched with majority source status, will have higher information sharing intention. (2) Perceived uniqueness, not social bonding motivation or self-esteem instability , mediates this joint effect mentioned above. (3) Implicit theories of personality moderate the joint effect of residential mobility and numerical source status on information sharing intention.
    Enjoy the Present or Look Towards the Future: The Influence of Happiness Orientation on Purchase Preference
    Yang Yan, Yu Ying
    2023, 3(2):  96-114. 
    Abstract ( 793 )   PDF (9767KB) ( 879 )  
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    Based on the perspective of anticipated happiness, three studies were conducted to confirm the influence of individual's orientation to happiness ( OTH) on purchase type preference, and also verify the mediating role of long-term utility concern. Study 1 found that compared with hedonic OTH, eudemonic OTH can lead consumers to pay more attention to the long utility of products and future self, in turn to enhance the preferences of material products. In addition, purchase preference is manifested not only in the financial cost input to the product ( study 1A) , but also in the time cost input to the product (study IB). This effect is robust even after controlling the purchase objectives ( study 2). However, when experiential products also provide long-term utilities, the effect of OTH on purchase type preference will be weakened ( study 3).
    The Interactive Effect Between Anthropomorphic Strategy of Service Robot and Consumption Task Type: Perspective of Dual Trust
    Huang Minxue, Lyu Linxiang, Mao Wenxuan
    2023, 3(2):  115-136. 
    Abstract ( 714 )   PDF (13642KB) ( 638 )  
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    Empowered by new technologies such as artificial intelligence, service robots are increasing rapidly in diverse consumption markets. In fact, the interaction between service robots and consumers is a process of social exchange on the basis of trust. Anthropomorphism is one of the common strategies to increase consumers’ trust and acceptance in diverse service contexts ,but it may trigger some negative effects. This is because consumers have different expectations and needs for the anthropomorphism of service robots in different consumption contexts. Anthropomorphism can be divided into two types: anthropomorphism with human nature traits and with unique human traits, which provides a new idea for satisfying consumers’ diversified trust needs for service robots under different consumption situations. Based on three experiments, we find that under subjective service tasks, consumers will enhance their service satisfaction if the service robot is imbued with human nature traits ( vs. unique human traits) when it’s anthropomorphized externally, and this effect is mediated by emotional trust; however, under objective service tasks, consumers will enhance their service satisfaction if the service robot is imbued with unique human traits (vs. human nature traits) when it's anthropomorphized externally, and this effect is mediated by cognitive trust. The results provide specific guidance for the design of service robots and mainly enrich the literature on service robots and anthropomorphic marketing.
    The Effect of Psychological Resource Depletion on Consumers’ Ambiguity Aversion Behaviors
    Yao Qing, Jiang Xia, Lei Xi, Yang Defeng
    2023, 3(2):  137-156. 
    Abstract ( 568 )   PDF (11705KB) ( 424 )  
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    Based on theories of ambiguity aversion and psychological resource depletion, the current research demonstrates the effect of psychological resource depletion on consumers’ ambiguity aversion behaviors, its underlying mechanism and boundary conditions across four studies. In the contexts of brand choice ( Study 1A) , Ellsberg's two-color-ball decision ( Study IB) and price premium ( Study 1C) , we find that psychological resource depletion enhances ambiguity aversion. The effect of psychological resource depletion on ambiguity aversion is mediated by the willingness to process the competing possibilities associated with ambiguity ( Study 2) . When the outcome becomes more ambiguous ( has a wider range of possibilities , Study 3) or consumers have more product knowledge ( require less psychological resources to process ambiguity, Study 4) , the influence of resource depletion on ambiguity aversion strengthens or attenuates.