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16 January 2023, Volume 3 Issue 1
    Research on Omni-Channel Marketing in the Mobile Internet Age
    Liu Yi , Cui Haitao, Shu Sheng
    2023, 3(1):  2-17. 
    Abstract ( 436 )   PDF (9817KB) ( 465 )  
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    Since the General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China published "The opinions on promoting interaction between online and offline & rapidly developing transformation and upgrading of commercial circulation" in 2015, the marketing field's attention has soared on omni - channel marketing, making omni - channel marketing research become one of the hot topics in the field of marketing research in recent years. Based on "Research on Omni-Channel Marketing in the Mobile Internet Age" funded by the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, this article discusses three major issues including platform competition and management, channel positioning and coordination, customer migration and privacy.  On the basis of that, the authors provide intriguing directions for future omni-channel marketing research.
    Research on the Strategy Frameworks of Enhancing Chinese Brand’s Leadership
    Wang Haizhong
    2023, 3(1):  18-40. 
    Abstract ( 273 )   PDF (14486KB) ( 327 )  
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    The present paper proposes that brand ( corporate or product) can additionally perform the spiritual and cultural function, in addition to its traditional material function.  So, the works involved with brand-building are defined as building not only a material but also a spiritual civilization of the country.  Therefore, brand research related knowledge should be applied at both the macro-level of public governance policies and the micro-level of enterprise management.  Motivated by the goal of building China a strong modem economy in the new era, this paper proposes three brand-related strategies to help Chinese brands to obtain leadership in the world.  The proposed three brand-related strategies include enhancing the brand's function of spiritual and cultural stimulation, applying the brand's leveraging function to economy's quality development, and valuing brand's avatar marketing.  The author discusses the general conclusions, theoretical contributions, and implications at the macro level of public policy and micro level of enterprise management.
    Branding Strategy's Practical Problems and Theoretical Innovations in the Context of Economy Transformation and Internationalization
    Teng Lefa, Huang Yifan, Xie Chenxin
    2023, 3(1):  41-59. 
    Abstract ( 184 )   PDF (11054KB) ( 258 )  
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    In recent years, branding strategy has risen to the level of national strategy. Enterprises also attach more importance to their brand building. While our economy is shifting towards one of high quality and digitalization, and the new economic pattern of dual circulation is forming, the theory and practices of branding strategy are facing new problems.  Based on the characteristics of economy transformation and internationalization with dual circulation, and the development of branding strategy theory ,we discussed the emerging challenges in the core theories of firm-oriented and market-oriented branding strategy, and proposed the prospects of future research.  Our research helps to improve the understanding of branding strategy theory, further, to develop the new topics of branding strategy and provide references to solve the practical problems of branding strategy in the context of economy transformation and dual circulation.
    Digital Intelligence Platform of New Product Development
    Zeng Fue, Gong Zheng, Guo Yihong
    2023, 3(1):  60-77. 
    Abstract ( 237 )   PDF (10590KB) ( 236 )  
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    New product development ( NPD) is a crucial factor for the survival and development of an enterprise. With the advent of the era of digital intelligence, the NPD environment has undergone major changes, further bringing opportunities and challenges to NPD. In view of that, this article examines the new pattern of product development—the digital intelligence platform, in response to the demands of the times, and illustrates the new environment and new trends that this platform brings to NPD, as well as its core structure, operating mechanism, essential characteristics and value creation path. Specifically, the digital intelligence platfbnn provides an" open and intelligen" development environment for NPD, thereby making the space, principal part and technology of NPD show a new development trend. Further, the digital intelligence platform adopts a layered and modular architecture. This could generates appropriate business processes for NPD involving "resource accumulation, value extraction, value application, and user-product interaction". Hence, this platform has the essential characteristics of openness, intelligence and agility. Based on these three characteristics, the digital intelligence platform provides a value creation path of "digital drive, open innovation, intelligent application, and iterative innovation" for NPD. This makes it easier for developers to absorb internal and external innovation resources and efficiently convert them into new product innovation advantages ,and thus achieve the optimal fit between new products and market expectations.
    Consumer Happiness: The Theoretical Framework and the Research Prospect
    Fan Xiucheng , Chen Xiao, Ruan Yanwen
    2023, 3(1):  78-97. 
    Abstract ( 565 )   PDF (11565KB) ( 660 )  
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    Happiness is the eternal pursuit of human beings, and consumption is the primary way for modem people to obtain happiness. Although the popularity of consumer happiness research continued to rise, a relatively independent and complete theoretical system has not formed. Currently, the research topics within this field is “ many but scattered”. To facilitate the development of this field, this study proposes a three-dimensional theoretical framework involving the research paradigm, research stance and research theme, and explains it based on a selective review. Finally, based on this framework, eight future research topics in this field are proposed, including consumer eudaimonic well-being and consumer unhappiness which belong to the research paradigm dimension, well-being marketing strategy and macro study of consumer happiness which belong to the research stance dimension, time spending and consumer happiness, Chinese and subcultural consumer happiness, digital technology and elder consumer happiness, as well as outcomes of consumer happiness which belong to the research theme dimension.
    People's Income and Happiness in the Context of Economic Transformation and Upgrading in China: A Multidimensional Dynamic Analysis Based on Data From 2010—2017 CGSS
    Fan Xiucheng, Chen Xiao, Ruan Yanwen
    2023, 3(1):  98-117. 
    Abstract ( 168 )   PDF (9233KB) ( 193 )  
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    The relationship between income and happiness is not only the focus of academia but also a practical issue that China must pay attention to in order to achieve the goal of improving people's well-being in the context of economic transformation and upgrading. Based on data from the Chinese General Social Survey, this paper explores the dynamic changes of the effect of income on happiness between 2010 and 2017 in the time and space dimensions. The study finds that while per capita income has risen significantly during these eight years, per capita happiness has barely changed, indicating the Easterlin Paradox existing in China during this period. At the individual level, income has a significant positive effect on happiness, but with the passage of time and the increase of income level, this effect shows a weakening trend. The study also finds that subjective economic status and leisure consumption frequency are mediators of the effect of income on happiness, and the mediation effects remain stable in the time dimension. Based on the findings, this paper presents some policy suggestions to enhance people's well-being in China.
    Appeal for Nature Versus Culture: The Influence of Root Appeals and Consumption Goals on the Preference for Agricultural Products With Geographical Indications
    Li Linzhu, Li Yanjun, Chen Tong, Zhang Gangren
    2023, 3(1):  118-136. 
    Abstract ( 260 )   PDF (10705KB) ( 358 )  
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    The natural environment, historical culture and other root resources of agricultural products are of great significances to the development of the brand value of agricultural products with geographical indications. How to make use of these root resources is an issue of great concern to the managers of geographical indications. Based on the brand authenticity theory and construal level theory, this paper divides roots into natural roots and cultural roots, and explores the divergence and formation mechanism of consumers’ preferences for the root appeals of agricultural products with geographical indications under different conditions ( “purchasing for oneself” vs. “purchasing for others”) . Three experimental studies find that, consumers of self -purchasing purpose prefer the appeal for natural roots (vs. cultural roots) , and consumers who purchase for others prefer the appeal for cultural roots (vs. natural roots) . In addition, when purchasing for oneself, perceived naturalness mediates the influence of root appeals on consumers’ purchase intentions ; when purchasing for someone else, perceived continuity mediates the influence of root appeals on consumers’ purchase intentions. This research not only enriches the related studies on agricultural product consumption behaviors and brand appeals, but also provides practical implications for the brand positioning and customer communication of agricultural products with geographical indications.
    Interaction Effect Between Social Crowding and Self-Construal on Anthropomorphic Brand Preferences
    Li Qiao, Duan Shen, Liu Fengjun, Kou Sining
    2023, 3(1):  137-157. 
    Abstract ( 457 )   PDF (11549KB) ( 442 )  
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    Based on social interference theory and the research on anthropomorphic products, this paper explores the impact of social crowding and self-construal on anthropomorphic brand preferences and the underlying mechanisms. Through a field survey and two online experiments, this study finds that consumers with different self-construal respond differently to anthropomorphic brands when they are confronted with social crowding. Specifically, when consumers hold independent self-construal, social crowding leads to a low sense of control, which hinders the realization of important goals, and thus decreasing consumers' preferences for anthropomorphic brands. However, when consumers hold dependent self - construal, social crowding has a positive effect on anthropomorphic brands preference by stimulating social warmth perception. The conclusion of this study provides guidance for anthropomorphic brand's optimization of publicity strategy.