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16 October 2022, Volume 2 Issue 4
Haptic-restriction Strategies Will Backfire: The Haptic-restriction—Variety-seeking Effect
Liu Wumei, Zhang Dong
2022, 2(4): 1-17.
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Researches have shown that encouraging consumers to touch a product can prompt consumers to generate a positive attitude towards the product. However, consumers’ haptic input when examining a product during product demonstration is often restricted by retailers, salespersons and front-line employees in many offline retail settings. To date, we know little a- bout whether the usage of haptic -restriction strategies can induce negative marketing consequences. This research conducts four studies, including a field experiment and three lab experiments, to document a novel variety-seeking effect of haptic restrictions. Previously restricting (versus not restricting) consumers from touching a product induces consumers to conduct variety seeking and options shifting in a subsequent and different situation (Experiments 1-2). Moreover, this effect is driven by perceived threats to personal freedom in general (Experiment 3) and is mitigated when consumers' need to elevate the extent of personal freedom is low ( Experiment 4). This research contributes to the literature of product touch and variety seeking, offering specific implications for offline retailing.
Domestic Currency vs. Foreign Currency? A Study of the Influence of Currency Type on Price-Quality Judgment
Duan Shen, Liu Fengjun, Meng Lu
2022, 2(4): 18-36.
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Based on the money illusion theory, this paper explored the influences of different money clues ( presented by local currency versus foreign currency) on consumer's price-quality judgment. The exploratory experiment and Experiment I verified that the individual's price-quality judgment tendency was higher when facing foreign money clues compared with when facing domestic money clues. Experiment II changed the foreign currency type and added a control group on the basis of Experiment I. Laboratory experiments were carried out to test the mediating effect of structural need on the relationship between money clue and price-quality judgment. Experiment III explored the boundary condition for the existence of this effect, i. e., the conversion task. This study indicated that this effect only existed when individuals did not take the conversion task (i. e., the avoidance strategy) , and that the different effect of money clues on price-quality judgment disappeared when individuals took the conversion tasks (i. e., the calculation strategy) . This research expands the theoretical framework of money clues and price-quality judgment, and also provides practical guidances for merchants to effectively utilize the ubiquitous money clues in the consumption situation.
The Effect of Boundaries of Food Information on Perceived Healthiness and Purchase Intention
Li Ruiqin, Guo Guoqing, Cheung Sau Lan Fanny
2022, 2(4): 37-55.
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Existing literature have paid little attention to how boundaries affect people's food information processing process and shape people's food consumption preferences. This paper investigates the effect of boundaries of food information on perceived healthiness, and examines the serial mediating role of the sense of confinement and psychological reactance, as well as the boundary conditions of this effect through 5 experiments. The results show that: ( 1) boundaries of food infbnnation could reduce people's perceived healthiness (Experiment la, lb and lc) and purchase intentions (Experiment 2) ; (2) a sequential mediating effect demonstrates that food information boundaries could increase people's sense of confinement, which triggers people's psychological reactance and lower people's perceived healthiness (Experiment 4 and 5) ; (3) food safety risk perception moderates the effect of the boundaries of food information on perceived healthiness ( Experiment 3) . Our research contributes to the literature of boundaries and food consumption, and provides important implications for the packaging design of the food enterprises.
“How to Combine Graphics and Texts” —Research on the Effect of Public Service Advertisements Based on Image Presentation Mode and Advertising Information Framework
Wu Junbao, Yang Qiang, Liu Fu
2022, 2(4): 56-74.
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Image and text complements each other in print advertising, which can effectively improve the advertising effect, especially for the charity public service advertisements. Based on the construal level theory, this study explores the impact of the matching of the depth of field presentation and advertising information framework of the charity public service advertisements on individuals. The study found that when individuals are presented with advertisements with shallow depth of field, they have a longer psychological distance and a higher construal level. The advertising effect of shallow depth of field matching the promotion framework is better; when individuals watch advertisements with deep depth-of-field, their psychological distance is shorter and their construal level is lower. The advertising effect of deep depth of field matching the defense framework is better. Individual's expected value of charity plays a mediating role in the matching effect, and the individuals5 degree of career involvement plays a moderating role. The purpose of this study is to develop better publicity for charitable public service advertisements, to guide the public to pay attention to and participate in charitable public undertakings, and to provide opinions and suggestions for the publicity of charitable public service advertisements.
Challenger Can Say No—The Effect of Advertising Texf’s Sentence Pattern and Brand Position on Consumers’ Advertising Evaluation
Zhong Ke , Guo Huichao, Zhu Donghong
2022, 2(4): 75-95.
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Enterprises often use affirmative sentence or negative sentence in advertisements to demonstrate the positive or non- negative properties of the products to consumers. Few studies have compared the differences in consumer responses to these two types of slogans. Based on the negation bias theory, this paper explored the interaction between brand position and advertising sentence pattern on consumers’ advertising evaluation and attention and its mechanism. The results of three experiments showed that: for the leader brand, consumers would have a more positive evaluation and pay more attention to the affirmative (vs.negative) slogan ; for the challenger brand, the negative slogan is more effective for the promotion of consumers’ advertising evaluations and attention than the affirmative slogan. The perceived reliability of the leader brand and the perceived creativity of the challenger brand respectively mediated the affirmative slogan's and negative slogan's positive effect on the two types of brands. This study enriches the literature on the persuasive effect of sentence pattern and brand position, and provides marketing implications for brand managers on how to choose the appropriate slogans.
Seeding Strategies for New Producfs Social Media Marketing—A Simulation Research Based on the Identification of Key Users and Network Diffusion
Guo Qiyue , Liu Xiao, Liao Xuhui
2022, 2(4): 96-118.
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Utilizing the word-of-mouth and social influences of key users in the social network, seeding strategies have already been successfully applied to the promotion of new products. The rising popularity of social media marketing provides marketers with the opportunities to observe and exploit the characteristics of massive social networks, so that better seeding strategies could be implemented. However, there is limited research on the design of a unifying methodology framework for identifying seeding users and evaluating their values to the diffusion of innovation. Our essay's major contributions are summarized as follows. First, we proposed a basic theoretical framework for the selection of seeding users by identifying key users in the social network. The process is iterative, in the sense that the quality of diffusion is monitored to dynamically adjust the seeding strategy. Then, we designed simulation experiments to validate our framework under a variety of circumstances. We discovered that seeding strategies which utilized group-level central information within a social network are effective in the early stage of the process of the diffusion of new product, and that network structures with high connectivity and low redundancy can facilitate the spread of innovation. While seeding useis are central in initiating the diffusion, their values diminish marginally as the market saturates. Finally, we found that social influence mechanisms can significantly affect the performance of new product’s diffusion.
Consumers’ Perceptions and Willingness to Accept Platform's Recommendation Methods —From the Perspective of the Mediating Role of Place Attachment
Wu Si, Wang Huiqi, Long Fei, Zhang Qi, Yan Minrui
2022, 2(4): 119-136.
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In the era of Mobile Internet, more and more companies provide precise recommendation services based on the locations of consumers. However, existing studies have not paid enough attention to how place attachment affects consumers' perceptions and acceptances of recommended services. Applying the communication accommodation theory, from the perspective of consumer's psychological perceptions, our study explores consumer's (with different degrees of place attachment) psychological perceptions and acceptance mechanism of group-based recommendation and individual -based recommendation. The results show that, the higher the degree of consumer's place attachment is, the better the effect of individual-based recommendation is, and the perceived self-enhancement plays a mediating role in this process. When the degree of consumer's place attachment is lower, the effect of group-based recommendation is better, and perceived social connection plays a mediating role.
Will Humblebragging Advertising Necessarily Trigger Consumers' Negative Brand Attitudes —Based on the Perspective of the Motives of Self-presentation
Ma Chenya, Jiang Yushi, Miao Miao, Zhang Hongyu
2022, 2(4): 137-156.
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In 2020, “Humblebragging” was popular on social networks and was selected as one of the top ten buzzwords. However, the existing literature offers little implications of whether humblebragging is an effective brand marketing strategy. Based on the perspective of the motives of self-presentation (the desire to be liked and respected) , this paper intends to examine the effect of humblebragging advertisement on consumers’ brand attitudes through three sets of experiments. The results suggest that, there is an interaction effect between the type of product and the type of advertising rhetoric. That is, when the functional product applies humblebragging advertisement, or the symbolic product applies normal advertisement, consumers' brand attitudes are more positive. We further reveal that this interaction effect on consumers' brand attitudes is serially mediated by their sincerity perception, feeling of envy, bragging perception and feeling of disgust. Further implications for designing advertisements are alse discussed.