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16 January 2022, Volume 2 Issue 1
Marketing Technology (MarTech) : Development, Application, Research, and Future Directions
Ren Zhiguang, Zhao Haichuan, Yang Kai
2022, 2(1): 1-11.
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The rapid development of technology brings opportunities and challenges for marketing management, while, the current research hasn't studied marketing technology ( MarTech) systematically. Thus, it is important to clarify the relationship between marketing and technology, the phases of MarTech evolution, the types of MarTech applications, and the levels of MarTech innovation. In this study, we proposed that MarTech has been developed into five phases. We also built a framework of technology used in marketing. Besides, this study also analysed the NSFC research projects from 1986 to 2021, and summarized the current research. Finally, this paper indicated the future research directions of MarTech and marketing.
The Effect of Indirect Customer-to-customer Interaction on Technology-based Self-service (TBSS) Quality
Cao Zhongpeng, Jin Chengwen, Gao Bo
2022, 2(1): 12-29.
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With the rapid development of technology, many technology-based self-services (TBSS) are gradually replacing traditional personnel services, and service quality is equally important for this emerging service mode. Previous research examined the influences of technology characteristics and customer traits on the TBSS quality, while social factors in the physical environment are neglected. Based on servicescape theory and social impact theory, this research focuses on indirect customer- to-customer interaction ( other customers are merely part of the scene) , which is a critical social factor in TBSS context. Three studies are implemented to explore the effect of the indirect customer-to-customer interaction on perceived TBSS quality. The results show that the indirect customer-to-customer interaction has a negative impact on service quality, and negative e- motion mediates the link between them (study 1) ; service valence (study 2) and self-efficacy (study 3) moderate the mediation effect of negative emotion. Specifically, compared with service failure, the mediating effect of negative emotion is greater in successful service; compared with high self-efficacy customers, the mediation effect of negative emotion is greater for low self-efficacy customers. This paper extends the scope of research on the influencing factors of TBSS quality and uncovers the underlying mechanism and boundary conditions of the impact of indirect customer - to - customer interaction on TBSS quality. The findings will enable the service providers to understand the impact of other customers' presences on TBSS in the physical environment and provide guidance and reference for servicescape management and the design of reasonable service physical environment.
Offline Sales Analysis for Catering Merchants Combining Multi-dimensional Online Characteristics
Huang Danyang, Guo Yanru, Jiang Guangyao, Tian Kun
2022, 2(1): 30-51.
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With the development of internet technology, electronic word - of - mouth, consumers’ consumption habits and merchants’ online publicity have all brought important influences on the turnovers of merchants. The purpose of this paper is to explore the roles of online review text data, network data between merchants and consumers, publicity picture data of merchant and other diversified information in influencing merchants' sales. The research shows that the topic factors of comment text, the characteristics of merchant centrality and user centrality of two-mode network, and the publicity pictures' degree of balance all have significant effect on merchants' sales. In terms of the topics of the comment content, two comment topics "volume" and " overall" have significantly positive impacts on the sales of the merchants. When neighboring merchants have great influences in the network, they will significantly reduce the sales of the merchants. Thus, merchants need to differentiate user groups to expand their own unique users. In addition, it is necessary to attract active and influential user groups to increase the sales of merchants. In the aspect of picture selection, merchants are recommended to provide pictures with high degree of color balance and pay attention to the color collocation of the picture's foreground and background. Symmetric pictures make users feel comfortable and can boost the sales of merchants. Finally, the paper subdivides the merchants according to the model results and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each type of the merchants in different characteristics. Suggestion is made on boosting offline sales according to different clusters of merchants.
More Saturated, More Exciting? A Study of the Effects of Brand Logo Color Saturation on Brand Personality Perception
Huang Jing, Deng Jinlei, Liu Sha, Guo Yulang
2022, 2(1): 52-68.
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Brand logo is an important part of brand assets. This study took the color saturation in brand logo as the research object and studied its influence on brand personality perception. Based on the arousal theory, this study examins the different effects of high and low color saturation on consumers' brand personality perception through six sets of experiments. In these experiments , we find that no matter for cool colors ( e. g. blue or green) or warm colors ( e. g. red or orange) in a brand logo ,possessing high color saturation can make consumers perceive the excitement of the brand, while possessing low color saturation can make consumers perceive the peacefulness of the brand. Through study 2, we also find that the influence of brand logo's color saturation on brand personality perception is mediated by arousal. In the high arousal state brought by high color saturation, consumers feel excited and stimulated, thus could perceive the exciting brand personality. In the low arousal state brought by the low color saturation, consumers feel calm and relaxed, thus could perceive the peaceful brand personality. In addition, through study 3, we find that when the color expectation in the individual attribution process is manipulated, the influence of color saturation on the perception of brand personality will disappear.
Is it Always Bad to Not Win in Lottery Promotions? The Impact of the Number of Failures in Lottery Promotions on the Willingness to Purchase Innovative Products
Shen Rumin, Meng Lu, Jiao Tengxiao
2022, 2(1): 69-82.
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Lottery promotion has been widely used as an effective and practical means of promotion. However, most relevant research have focused on the impact of single promotion and consumers' lucky wins on subsequent purchase decisions. This study is based on the marketing placebo theory and the reaction expectation theory, focusing on the impact of the number of unwinning prizes on the purchase intention of innovative products under the lottery promotion. Experiment 1 verifies the effect of the number of unwinning prizes in the sweepstakes promotion on the placebo effect of the doom. Experiment 2 explores the impact of the number of unwinning prizes on the purchase intention of innovative products under the lottery promotion. Experiment 2 also reveals the chain mediation mechanism of negative emotion and perceived risk. Experiment 3 reveals that the controllability of promotional lottery perception plays a regulatory role in the impact of the number of unsuccessful draws on the willingness to purchase innovative products. This study expands the theory of placebo effect and provides practical guidances for enterprises to apply sweepstakes and promotions to improve corporate performances.
Customer Concentration and Corporate Innovation Performance ——Based on the Perspective of Customer Relationship
Gu Leilei, Wang Hongyu
2022, 2(1): 83-103.
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A good micro market structure is not only an important basis to support the domestic and international double-cycle development pattern, but also the key to stimulate the innovation vitality of market players. With the deepening of the degree of the division of labor and cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises, customers occupy a dominant position in the supply chain. In such a buyer-led market structure, whether customers and suppliers can form a cooperative relationship of knowledge sharing and value co-creation affects suppliers’ innovation driving force and economic virtuous circle. Employing resource-based theory, resource dependence theory and knowledge -based view, and retrieving the data of A-share listed companies in China's Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2011 to 2016, this paper investigates the influence of customer concentration on corporate innovation performance from the perspective of customer relationship management. The empirical results show that, ( 1) customer concentration has a negative impact on corporate innovation performance; (2) the results are more prominent for state-owned enterprises, enterprises with weak bargaining power and enterprises with high proprietary investment ; (3) marketing capability and environmental dynamism both play a significant role in moderating the impact of customer concentration on corporate innovation performance. Enterprises with higher marketing capability can reverse the negative effect of customer concentration, and when the uncertainty of external environment is high, such negative effect is strengthened; (4) moreover, the moderating roles of marketing capability and environmental dynamism are mediated by the moderating role of customer relationship stability. The conclusions of this study provide some references for the management practice of enterprises and for the government to construct an effective market structure to realize the virtuous cycle driven by innovation.
Effect of Purchase Type and Regulatory Focus on Consumers’ Decision Regret Intention
Li Qianqian, Deng Huimei
2022, 2(1): 104-122.
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Regret, as a post-purchase or post-decision experience, has attracted much attention because of its negative impact on consumer's well-being and post-purchase behaviors. To reveal the occurrence mechanism of regret has important significance in reduceing consumer regret. However, existing literature is limited on the occurrence mechanism of decision regret and differences of purchase types. Starting from types of purchase, based on decision justification theory, this paper studies how different purchase types ( material versus experiential) influence their respective regret types ( process or outcome) through decision - making styles ( analysis versus heuristic) , and investigates the influence of regulatory focus on this effect. Three inter-group experiments show that experiential purchase brings heuristic decision - making tendency, which is more likely to produce decision process regret, while material purchase brings rational decision - making tendency, which is more likely to produce decision outcome regret. Regulatory focus ( promotion versus prevention) moderates the relationships among purchase type, decision regrets and decision-making styles. This study is of great significance for reducing consumers' post- purchase regret and guiding enterprises to formulate marketing strategies.
The Negative Review First-page Effect:The Influences of the Number and Depth of Additional Reviews
Yang Defeng, Lei Shuyu, Yao Qing, Gu Chenyan, Sun Yu
2022, 2(1): 123-141.
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In the research of online reviews, few scholars pay attention to the order bias of online reviews. Based on previous studies on the effects of the first consumer review on the producfs home page, this article explores the influence of negative reviews on the first page on product sales. Based on the analysis of 1161 negative reviews on the home pages of 387 Taobao products ,this article finds that the number of the negative reviews' additional reviews on the first page and the negative reviews rate have significant negative impacts on product sales. The additional review depth and the seller reply depth of the negative reviews on the first page have positive moderating effects on the relationship between the number of the negative reviews' additional reviews on the first page and product sales. The additional review depth and the seller reply depth of the negative reviews on the first page have negative moderating effects on the relationship between the negative reviews rate and product sales. On the one hand, this finding proves the existence of the important influence of the negative reviews' contents on the first page on consumers' purchase decisions. On the other hand, it expands the research realm of the order bias and the first impression bias of online reviews, providing researchers with a new research direction.