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16 July 2021, Volume 1 Issue 1
    Inaugural Editorial
    Chen Yubo
    2021, 1(1):  1-2. 
    Abstract ( 508 )   PDF (544KB) ( 901 )  
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    A Golden Age for Management Theory Development in China
    Fangruo Chen
    2021, 1(1):  3-8. 
    Abstract ( 597 )   PDF (782KB) ( 759 )  
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    Management problems are everywhere. As social, economic, and technological development continues, the management challenges facing mankind are multiplying and changing, but the methods and tools we can use to address these challenges are also becoming increasingly abundant. In the first century of management theory development, western scholars have made fundamental and pioneering contributions. For the next one hundred years, Chinese management scholars should not and will not be absent. There is much for us to do, and much to accomplish. The rising of the Chinese economy offers a rare opportunity, and places an urgent call, for us to further develop management theory. We should learn from the rich western experiences – both successful and unsuccessful - and stay closely connected with the Chinese management practices, for the purpose of promoting social and economic development and at the same time improving management theory to the benefit of all. This is a golden age for management theory development in China.
    Economic Management Research with the Carbon-neutral Goal#br#
    Qiao Liu, Fei Teng
    2021, 1(1):  9-16. 
    Abstract ( 721 )   PDF (815KB) ( 1069 )  
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     Carbon-peak by 2030 and carbon-neutrality by 2060, is the major strategic decision for China’s sustainable development, and the specific initiatives for creating a community of shared future for mankind. With the carbon-neutral objective, carbon is the essential factor that changes the production function and consumer effect function. Change on theoretical hypothesis brings a series of new research problems for the development of economics and management, which are mainly in the fields of growth theory, carbon finance theory, market design, industry and public policy, enterprise strategy and business model innovation, and exchange rate system, etc. The in-depth study of these problems will promote the realization of carbon-neutrality, and bring the possibility on the innovation of economics and management theory and breakthrough of research paradigm. The ideological achievements will become an organic part of China's economic management theory that radiating the world.
    Re-interpreting and Understanding Marketing from Perspective of Demand-supply Matching: A exploratory framework  to structure marketing knowledge system
    Guoqun Fu
    2021, 1(1):  17-30. 
    Abstract ( 877 )   PDF (1006KB) ( 1121 )  
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    In main stream literature, marketing is defined as to create superior customer value and to build profitable customer relationships. It seems that such a way of defining marketing can help enhance marketers’ status in the company. Contrary to expectation, it actually obscures functions of firm-level system and those of marketing system. Marketing as a sub-system of company, it creates value for customers by performing functions of connecting, matching and transacting. Among the three marketing functions, matching supply with demand is considered as the most important one. In this paper, we not only offer a new definition of marketing with matching as a core element, but also propose an integrated marketing framework which attempts to extend the extant dominant marketing paradigms.
    Marketing Science Discipline Retrospect, Prospect and Future Development
    2021, 1(1):  31-42. 
    Abstract ( 1117 )   PDF (1160KB) ( 1258 )  
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    After a century of development, modern marketing science has increasingly played a great role in theoretical exploration and practical application. In the past 20 years, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has continued to fund marketing research, and the number of funded projects and funding intensity have been increasing. From 5 projects totaling 556,000 yuan in 2000 to 69 projects totaling 25.86 million yuan in 2020. NSFC has strongly promoted the basic research of marketing science in China.Future marketing science research should strive to build a "4422" system: adhere to four oriented strategies, promote four integrated strategies, adopt two new tools (new methods and new theories), and solve two types of problems (marketing technology and human welfare), so as to achieve the deep integration of marketing technology and human welfare for the benefit of society.Finally, this paper presents thoughts on future key program of NSFC marketing science from two aspects, including marketing technology and human well-being.
    Chinese Marketing: How to Move from the Realm of Necessity to the Realm of Freedom
    Jiang Qingyun, Chu Rongwei, Lu Xiongwen
    2021, 1(1):  43-58. 
    Abstract ( 784 )   PDF (1080KB) ( 1103 )  
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    After the rapid development of the past 30 years, Chinese marketing has achieved preliminary achievements in four areas: first, academic institutions and discipline systems have been formed; second, the academic community and its research paradigm related to the former are becoming more mature; third, The dialogue mechanism between the academia with the practice and its social influence have begun to play; fourth, the international influence of the discipline and its academic research is beginning to see light. However, the development of China's marketing discipline has also made researchers in the field of marketing realize that the theoretical research of China's local marketing is weak, and has not yet developed a systematic theoretical perspective to guide China's marketing practices. At the end of the article, the future thinking about the development and innovation of China's marketing discipline is launched from three aspects: the rigor, relevance, and impact of scientific research.
    Marketing Research in China: Mission, Direction and Issues
    Liu Yi
    2021, 1(1):  59-77. 
    Abstract ( 689 )   PDF (1053KB) ( 967 )  
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    The current marketing environment faced by Chinese enterprises has four important characteristics. Facing the new marketing environment, the mission of marketing research has also changed. This study proposes a new marketing research mission in the face of the ever-changing marketing environment. It reviews five aspects of relevant literature, including omni-channel marketing research in the era of mobile Internet, information dissemination and consumer behavior research on Internet platforms, corporate social responsibility in marketing activities, marketing research toward important events, and interface of marketing and corporate finance. On the basis of that, it further provides a comprehensive discussion on potential research issues and offers recommendations for future research.
    Case Studies to Tell the Story of Chinese Marketing
    Li Fei
    2021, 1(1):  78-90. 
    Abstract ( 688 )   PDF (887KB) ( 989 )  
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    Based on the perspective of Chinese marketing scholars, this paper answers three questions about how to tell a good China story through case study (1) What is a good China marketing story through case study? To put it simply, marketing scholars describe China's marketing phenomenon and explore the law of China's marketing development through the method of case study, so as to realize the mission or goal of solving China's marketing problems and contributing to the world's marketing new knowledge. (2) Why do case studies tell China's story well? There are four reasons for this: the subjects of case studies are good for telling true and complete management stories; Case studies, by their nature, are suitable for telling interesting and credible management stories; From the type of case study, it is suitable to tell a rich and different management story; (3) How to tell a good marketing story in China through case studies? The right decisions need to be made in the following four aspects: clarify whether the mission of research is to serve China or to influence the world; Determine the topic of research is to solve the problem of China or to pursue the frontier of international theory; Whether the research object selected is the sample within China or the global sample; These questions are of great significance for Chinese scholars to fulfill their mission of serving China and influencing the world.
    Thoughts on Marketing Science in the Era of Changes: Challenges, Frontiers, Puzzles and Paths to Innovation
    Yuxin Chen
    2021, 1(1):  91-96. 
    Abstract ( 626 )   PDF (799KB) ( 973 )  
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    In this invited essay on the celebration of the official launch of Journal of Marketing Science in China, I share some thoughts on the challenges and opportunities faced by marketing science researchers as the results of the changing technological, social and business environment. The discussion then moves on to the latest developments and the emerging trends in the field as observed by the author, as well as the concerns regarding the future success of quant marketing research. The essay ends with a few suggestions on the paths to the highly expected innovations and research contributions by the academia of marketing science in China.
    A Time-Space-Connection Framework for Big Data Marketing
    Jia Jianmin, Yang Yang, Chung Yu Ho
    2021, 1(1):  97-113. 
    Abstract ( 1484 )   PDF (1031KB) ( 1615 )  
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    The rapid development of digital economy has led to a transformation of big data in marketing science. Based on the three dimensions of time, space, and connection, this article uses the "Time-Space-Connection (TSC)" framework of big data from the perspectives of social networks, mobility, and the integration of the two to summarize the research progress of big data marketing in the past decade, gain insights into changes of corporate marketing strategies and consumer behaviors in the context of big data, and discuss the future research directions of big data marketing. In particular, COVID-19 pandemic has changed people’s behaviors and social environment, demonstrated the importance of "space-time-connection" of big data in business transformation and marketing model innovation, and expanded the scope of marketing research from business efficiency to social well-being. In conclusion. the "space-time-connection" framework of big data not only offers a perspective for marketing research in the digital age, but also provides guidance and suggestions for companies to develop new marketing models.
    Thoughts on the reconstruction of marketing strategy in the age of digital intelligence
    Wei Jiang, Yang Yang, Yang Jia-ming
    2021, 1(1):  114-126. 
    Abstract ( 1280 )   PDF (1463KB) ( 1873 )  
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    The digitalization has brought big changes to the economic society, namely, virtualization of market players, digitization of factors of production, dynamization of the production process and platformization of market organizations. These four features of digitalization have further reconstructed the real management world, resulting in disruptive changes of internal and external relationships between organizations, and the underlying logics of production and operation. The nature of marketing is to answer how to solve the interactive relationship between the supplier and the consumer in the best way to realize the value co-creation. Obviously, digital technology is disrupting the traditional interactive relationship, which greatly weakens the effectiveness of the 4P and 4C marketing matrix. Therefore, we are intended to put forward the 4I (Interaction, Interest, Interface, Iteration) framework to reconstruct the marketing matrix in the age of digital intelligence. Finally, we offer some future topics of marketing strategy research and the new development direction of the discipline.
    Service Marketing Research in China: Past, Present and Future
    Yonggui Wang , Guanzhe Jiao , Aoran Hong
    2021, 1(1):  127-153. 
    Abstract ( 1464 )   PDF (4016KB) ( 1617 )  
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     With the development of more than 40 years of the reform and opening-up policy, China's service economy has made historic progress. The GDP of China's tertiary industry's contribution rate to the national economy is more than 50%. Thus, China is marching into the service economy era, and the development direction of China's service economy is gradually changing from high-speed development to high-quality development. With it, the service marketing theory is constantly evolving, and profound changes take place in the background of The Times. This paper aims to review and map the research streamline, provide future insights into service marketing in China in the past 30 years, and depict a panorama of service marketing research in China by applying statistical analysis and literature analysis tool CiteSpace. It shows the critical areas of service marketing research institutions and the leading network of cooperation between scholars. Furthermore, we extract the essential research topics and reveal the main direction by establishing the "creation—delivery—improvement" service value chain.