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01 December 2013, Volume 9 Issue 4
    A Review of Research on Global Branding: Key Constructs, Research Treads and Progress
    He Jiaxun
    2013, 9(4):  1-19. 
    Abstract ( 846 )   PDF (1687KB) ( 2546 )  
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    By reviewing the research progress on global branding comprehensively, this paper establishes the basic framework on global branding research, including knowledge advancement of the conceptualization of global brands, global brand positioning and global brand equity, and identifies the key constructs and its related research results. The previous research treads are clearly presented as follows: the definition of global brand and its operationalization is advanced by the seminal work on construct of perceived brand globalness, and the basic sources of global brand equity are established by the studies on dimensions of global brands; the research on global brand positioning are implicated by the construct of global consumer culture and are centered on the relationships between the two constructs of perceived brand globalness and brand local icon value (or local iconness); the evaluations of global brand equity are inconsistent among the different countries which are influenced by the brand and nation characteristics, and the cultural values. Moreover, this paper summarizes the important constructs related to globalization which are usually used to explain the global brand attitudes. Standing on the perspective of brand globalization of leading Chinese companies, the author proposes some future research suggestions at end.

    Do hubs produce the same influence on the diffusion of new product all the time?
    Wang Dianwen, Huang Minxue, Zhou Nan
    2013, 9(4):  20-29. 
    Abstract ( 550 )   PDF (1325KB) ( 2084 )  
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    Prior studies hold a view that social network is dynamic, so the actor and tie are. However, the studies about hubs focus on static perspective and investigate the effect of hubs at one point in time. So, this paper checks the influence of hubs to new product diffusion from a dynamic perspective, and we find the impact of hubs will increase with the time extension of new product diffusion. Also, the paper divides two types of hubs: innovator hubs and follower hubs, and it lead to a result that, with the time extension of new product diffusion, the influence of innovator hubs increase and the impact of follower hubs decrease.

    When There’s a Scapegoat: A Research on Consumers’ Attitudes towards Multi-Brand Crisis
    Zhang Xuan, Zhang Hongxia
    2013, 9(4):  30-43. 
    Abstract ( 856 )   PDF (2849KB) ( 1814 )  
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    This research investigates the scapegoat effect in multi-brand product-harm crisis. Results show that, when severe crisis happens, there is a significant scapegoat effect. That is, domestic brands in the industry could have a rebirth due to the existence of a scapegoat brand. We then discuss both affective and cognitive cause of this effect. On one aspect, the scapegoat takes away consumers’ negative emotions from other brands. On the other aspect, consumers need to relieve their cognitive dissonance.

    Effect of Out-of-Stock Information on Choice Deferral of Similar Alternative —— Based on Regret Theory
    Li Yan, Li Dongjin, Piao Shihuan
    2013, 9(4):  44-60. 
    Abstract ( 581 )   PDF (2509KB) ( 1589 )  
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    As a phantom decoy, out-of-stock alternative always appears in consumer’s decision context. Through three experiments, we found that non-promoted out-of-stock alternative can increase anticipated inaction regret to purchase similar alternative, and then decrease the choice deferral of similar alternative. Compared to promoted out-of-stock alternative, non-promoted out-of-stock alternative can decrease the choice deferral of similar alternative significantly, which is mediated by anticipated regret and valuation of similar alternative. The effect of out-of-stock situation type on choice deferral of similar alternative can be moderated by planning degree of purchasing out-of-stock alternative, and this moderating effect is mediated by regret of missing purchase.

    Function VS.Luck:The cognition effect of Suggestive brand name
    Zhou Yijin, Yu qing
    2013, 9(4):  61-74. 
    Abstract ( 868 )   PDF (2220KB) ( 1818 )  
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    There’re lots of suggestive brand name(SBN) in the market, suggesting that they can bring luck or have special functions. Although studies have investigated the Functional SBN’s effect on consumer’s cognition, little has done about Propitious SBN’s effect. Neither compare two kinds of SBN’s effect in the same framwork. In this study, three series experiments found that Propotious SBN can also strengthen consumer’s brand recall, only in the context of low sense of control. In addition, when contrasting Functional and Propotious SBN’s effect, we found that there’s a mediater between sense of control and brand recall——Negotiable Fate. When consumers in low sense of control, they have stronger belif in ” Negotiable Fate” , which leads to higher brand recall (vs no suggestive brand name) of Functional and Propotious SBN; when consumers in high sense of control, they have lower belif in ” Negotiable Fate” , which leads to higher brand recall of Functional SBN and lower recall of Propotious SBN.This paper, in theory, complement and extend the theory of SBN, also has certain contribution to improving the theory of superstitious consumption. and provides new data support and application development of "negotiable fate ” theory. In practice, the conclusions of the study provide advice for Chinese brand naming, also provide the insight of Chinese superstitious marketing.

    The Influence of Personal Power State on the Preference for Products with Other-Benefit Appeals
    Wu Bo, Li Dongjin, Qin Yong
    2013, 9(4):  75-89. 
    Abstract ( 880 )   PDF (2136KB) ( 1571 )  
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    This work examines how perceived power influences the preference of different product appeals. Based on accumulating evidence that powerful state increases one’s concern about one’s own internal desires, we find high power will lead to a greater preference for products with self-benefit appeals. In contrast, extensive past research has shown that powerlessness pays more attention to others in the environment, so they will prefer products with other-benefit appeals. In other words, versus people with high power, people with low power prefer products with other-benefit appeals. When self-accountability is activated, the difference of preference for products with other-benefit appeals between people with high power and people with low power will disappear. The anticipated guilt for not to buy products with other-benefit appeals mediates the interact effect of power states and self-accountability to the preference of products with other-benefit appeals. These findings have potentially broad implications to understand factors influence preference for products with other-benefit appeals and how to improve the preference of products with other-benefit appeals.

    Messy is Good? The Impact of Messy Environment on Creativity
    Chen Huihui,Zheng Yuhuang,Fan Xiaomeng
    2013, 9(4):  90-100. 
    Abstract ( 1049 )   PDF (1553KB) ( 1826 )  
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    For a long time, people take for granted that messy environment has a negative impact on our life. However, through four experiments, we find that compared with tidy environment, messy environment has a positive influence on individuals’ performance in creativity tasks, including divergence creativity task (Study 1A) and convergence creativity task (Study 1B); messy environment also makes participants more incline to think in an heuristic way (Study 2) and promotes individuals’ cognitive flexibility (Study 3). What’s more, messy environment also increases consumers’ likelihood of buying the innovative option over the traditional one (Study 4). Finally, theoretical contributions and managerial implications are discussed.

    Research on Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Micro-blogging on Corporate Brand Image and its Mechanism
    Xie Qinghong, Fu Xiaorong, Li Yongqiang, He Qiang
    2013, 9(4):  101-119. 
    Abstract ( 1026 )   PDF (3345KB) ( 2761 )  
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    This paper examines the impacts of contents of entrepreneurs’ micro-blogs(company-related or individual-related) and ways of emotion descriptions (emotional or unemotional) on the evaluation of entrepreneur image, and discusses the effects of entrepreneur image on the corporate brand image. Through a 2×2 between-subjects experiment design, the authors find individual-related micro-blogs have more effects on entrepreneur’s image than company-related micro-blogs do. Compared with unemotional micro-blogs, emotional micro-blogs lead to a better entrepreneur image, which significantly influences the evaluation of corporate brand image. This study also examines the moderating effects of the perceived congruence between entrepreneurs’ image and brand image on the positive relationship between entrepreneurs’ image and brand image. The results are helpful for entrepreneurs to enhance the corporate brand image through effective management of their micro-blogs.

    Mediation Analysis: Principles, Procedures, Bootstrap Methods and Applications
    Chen Rui, Zheng Yuhuang, Liu Wenjing
    2013, 9(4):  120-135. 
    Abstract ( 4829 )   PDF (2145KB) ( 5908 )  
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    Prior research has mainly applied Baron & Kenny’s (1986) procedures of causal step regression in mediation tests. However, in recent years many researchers have questioned the rationality and reliability of Baron & Kenny’s procedures. Based on this background, this paper summarized the most recent mediation test procedure and Bootstrap method, and elaborated principle, procedure and offers a step-by-step instruction for data analysis using Bootstrap. We not only introduce the simple mediation test, but also elaborate the rationales and methods for several complex mediation models such as mediated moderation, moderated mediation, multiple mediators, and serial multiple mediators, including steps of performing the bootstrap analysis with SPSS software, data analysis and results reports. The paper will provide effective, scientific and convenient guidance for domestic scholar.