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A Study on the Subjects, Methods and Scholars of Western Marketing Research——A documentary analysis based on Journal of Marketing (2005—2009)
Yang Yimiao, Ma xiaohui, Guo yan
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (2): 107-131.  
Abstract1192)      PDF (1192KB)(8312)       Save

This paper carries out a research by content analysis on 247 academic papers published in the Journal of Marketing during the year of 2005-2009, with a purpose to describe the subjects, methods and scholars of Western marketing research. The findings are as following: the main subjects that Western marketing research focuses on are consumer behavior, products, brands, marketing general management, industrial marketing, advertising and promotion, services marketing, and network marketing, Among which research on the general marketing management, products, brands, industrial marketing, network marketing have an escalating trend, and adverse on the prices and marketing channels, and the subjects on consumer behavior and services marketing remain to be the focus of marketing research. As for research methods of marketing, quantitative research keeps dominated and are used in such marketing research domain as brand, product and personal selling, the experimental method has been more widely used to study consumer behaviors, prices, advertising and promotion, the qualitative research and mixed research are seldom used, the former is used in industrial marketing, general marketing management, and the latter focus on the subject of marketing theory and philosophy. In addition, there exists a diversified form of cooperation among marketing scholars, which includes scholars’ cooperation in a university, among different universities, between university and business and among different counties.

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A Survey of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay: Taking Organic Food as an Example
Xu Yingjun, Yin Shijiu, Song Hongjie, Wu Linhai
Journal of Marketing Science    2015, 11 (3): 120-138.  
Abstract1308)      PDF (1220KB)(6024)       Save

Consumers’ willingness to pay is an important part of the market research. Taking organic food for example, this paper analyzed and compared the main data acquisition methods of consumers’ willingness to pay, such as contingent valuation method, choice experiment, conjoint analysis and experimental auctions and the main data processing approaches such as discrete choice model and Tobit model. And then the paper investigated the main factors affecting the consumers’ willingness to pay and did a systematic summary. In the end, the future research emphasis was presented based on the evaluation and analysis of the existing relative research.

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Does Native Advertising Really Work—A Review of Factors Affecting Native Advertising Effectiveness
Wang Jun, Liu Yi
Journal of Marketing Science    2024, 4 (1): 1-17.  
Abstract777)      PDF (10265KB)(1170)       Save
Native  advertising, as  the  new  darling  of brand  marketing  communication  in  the digital age, is  widely  used  in  major  new media platforms, driving  in-depth  discussion and research  on  native  advertising. However, the existing  research  on  native  advertising  has problems  such  as  inconsistent concepts, scattered  research  systems, and  inconsistent conclusions  on  advertising effectiveness, which  hinder  the  further development  of  native  advertising research. Combined  with  the  literature  research  methods, and  based  on  the “5W  model” of  the  communication  process, this  paper  clarifies  the  concept  and  types  of  native advertising, summarizes and analyzes the influencing factors of native advertising effectiveness in existing research, outlines the  existing  research  outline, and  discusses  future  research  directions, in  order  to  provide  a  foundation  and  ideas  for  future theoretical research and corporate practice in this field.
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Research on the Marketing Effects of Visual, Auditory and Content Features of Short Videos on E-commerce Platform
Sun Zhenghui, Zheng Jianping, Wang Youwei
Journal of Marketing Science    2023, 3 (4): 1-21.  
Abstract869)      PDF (9863KB)(1112)       Save
With the popularity of short videos, “short video e-commerce” are adopted by more and more companies. Short videos are very helpful in e-commerce context because they carry more information than texts and pictures do. However, what kind of short videos can more effectively promote product sales in e-commerce context? This paper draw samples o£ short videos on the "Mogujie" platform and extracts features that may affect the marketing effects of short videos, such as visual perception, auditory perception and video content. Then we construct multiple linear regression model, classification and regression tree model and random forest model to study the relationship between short video features and their marketing effects, which are measured by the sales of the products introduced in the short video. The research results show that although the visual, auditory and content features of short videos are all related to the marketing effects, the content features have the strongest effects on the sales performance.
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The  Influences  of Ethical  Attributes  of Corporate  Social  Innovation  Products  on  Customers' Purchase  Intentions
Fan Jun, Bian Tiao, Zheng Guanya
Journal of Marketing Science    2024, 4 (1): 36-53.  
Abstract475)      PDF (11386KB)(929)       Save
Based on the warm-glow effect of impure altruism model and clue congruity theory, this study develops a research model to analyze the influence of ethical attributes of corporate social innovation products on customers' purchase intention. In addition, the mediating effect of warm-glow and the moderating effect of product types are verified. The results show that ethical attributes of corporate social innovation products can enhance customers' purchase intentions, and warm-glow plays a mediating role in the positive relationship between the corporate social innovation product's ethical attributes and customers' purchase intentions. Specifically, for hedonic corporate social innovation products, the symbolic ethical attribute (compared with the functional ethical attribute) can stimulate the customer's warm-glow, and thus can enhance the customer's purchase  intention. By contrast, for utilitarian corporate social innovation products, the functional ethical attribute (compared with the symbolic ethical attribute) can stimulate the customer's warm-glow, and thus can enhance the customer's purchase intention. 
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Effect of Product Type and Time Pressure on Consumers’ Online Impulse Buying Intention
Zhao Zhanbo, Du Xiaomeng, Liang Fan, Zhu Xiaoming
Journal of Marketing Science    2015, 11 (2): 118-132.  
Abstract1906)      PDF (983KB)(6252)       Save

Impulse buying has been the focus of attention in the marketing. With the rise of online shopping, online impulse buying phenomenon becomes increasingly serious. The relevant literature is rarely in an online environment, the impulse buying behavior discussed. This paper explores the impact of the type of product and time pressure on consumer online impulse buying intention; this is a relatively new issue in the domestic marketing academics. In this study, the experimental method was adopted to explore the impact of consumer online impulse buying tendencies, the departure from the type of product and the time pressure. The results show that low-involvement emotional products stimulate consumer online impulse buying tendencies. At the same time, there is an interaction effect between time pressure and product type, that is, under the influence of time pressure, low-involvement emotional products to enhance the consumer online impulse buying tendency is more significant.

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Study  on  the  Inverted  U-shape  Effects  of  Streamers  Volume  on  Brands' Sales  Performances  in Live  Streaming  Commerce—Empirical  Evidences  from  the  Cosmetics  Industry
Li Guoxin, Tang Peiwen
Journal of Marketing Science    2024, 4 (1): 18-35.  
Abstract551)      PDF (9888KB)(891)       Save
In live  streaming commerce, the streamer group is the core factor that drives product's sales performance. This study aims  to understand  how  the  combinations  of streamers  volume, product's  line  breadth, and brand  type  influence  brands'sales performances in live streaming commerce. The study collected panel data on Douyin live streaming platform in an 18-week period from August to December 2020 of 17 luxury brands and 27 non-luxury brands that are representatives of the cosmetics industry, which  includes  261  streamers, 1,658 products and  3,119  live  broadcasts. We  used  a  two-way  fixed  effects  model  with STATA software, and  found  that  streamer  volume  has  a significant  inverted  U-shaped  impact  on brands' live  sales, and  the breadth  of product's  line  has  a  significantly  direct positive  impact  on  brands' live  sales. Besides, product's  line  breadth and brand type moderate the above inverted U-shaped effect.
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Thoughts on the reconstruction of marketing strategy in the age of digital intelligence
Wei Jiang, Yang Yang, Yang Jia-ming
Journal of Marketing Science    2021, 1 (1): 114-126.  
Abstract1299)      PDF (1463KB)(1949)       Save
The digitalization has brought big changes to the economic society, namely, virtualization of market players, digitization of factors of production, dynamization of the production process and platformization of market organizations. These four features of digitalization have further reconstructed the real management world, resulting in disruptive changes of internal and external relationships between organizations, and the underlying logics of production and operation. The nature of marketing is to answer how to solve the interactive relationship between the supplier and the consumer in the best way to realize the value co-creation. Obviously, digital technology is disrupting the traditional interactive relationship, which greatly weakens the effectiveness of the 4P and 4C marketing matrix. Therefore, we are intended to put forward the 4I (Interaction, Interest, Interface, Iteration) framework to reconstruct the marketing matrix in the age of digital intelligence. Finally, we offer some future topics of marketing strategy research and the new development direction of the discipline.
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Consciousness of Social Face and Conspicuous Consumption of Luxury Products in the Chinese Society
Zhang Xin'an
Journal of Marketing Science    2012, 8 (1): 76-94.  
Abstract4068)      PDF (1066KB)(10960)       Save

Luxurious brands consumption in China is featured by clear conspicuous purposes. This research investigated the phenomenon from the indigenous perspective of social face consciousness. Drawing on Ho’s (1976) framework of gaining versus losing face dynamics, the authors broke down the construct of face consciousness into two dimensions of “desire to gain face” and “fear of losing face”, and developed measurement scales for them. The two scales were then used to examine their effect on conspicuous luxurious brand consumption behavior and found both of them had unique contribution in explaining why Chinese consumers buy luxurious brands.

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The Present Situation and Trend of Chinese Brand Naming: Linguistic Approach
Yin Zhiping
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (2): 132-147.  
Abstract690)      PDF (1380KB)(4071)       Save

This study investigates linguistic features in aspects of phonetic, orthographic, semantic, syntactic and rhetoric of 2,600 Chinese brands of 22 different categories of products, and finds that by selecting and polishing linguistic components, Chinese brand name basically implements the brand naming requirements of being short, simple, and distinctive, designating the products or service category and suggesting key attributes and producing inference about key benefits. Based on investigates, this study concludes some trends in Chinese branding. Finally some issue of brand naming study is discussed.

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What Kind of Persona is Preferred: The Effect of Intelligent Voice Communication Modes on Consumers’ Brand Attachment
Qi Haifeng, Yu Hui, Fei Hongping
Journal of Marketing Science    2023, 3 (4): 22-40.  
Abstract577)      PDF (10819KB)(861)       Save
With the popularity of intelligent products, more and more consumers can have personalized and diversified product experiences. Focusing on the anthropomorphism of intelligent products, this paper discusses the influences of different modes of intelligent voice communication on consumers' brand attachment. Based on the communication modes obtained from qualitative interviews, two experiments are designed and show that partner communication mode can stimulate consumers' brand attachment more significantly than servant communication mode can, and the para-social interaction between consumers and intelligent products explains its internal mechanism. In addition, brand personality plays a moderating role. According to the above conclusions, the research provides relevant management suggestions.
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Technical or Colloquial——The Influence of Innovative Product's Advertising Style on Consumer's Product Adoption
Wang Changzheng, Wu Jingjing, Cai Aixin, Zhang Xixi, Cai Wenpei
Journal of Marketing Science    2024, 4 (1): 121-138.  
Abstract534)      PDF (12097KB)(776)       Save
Launching new products to the consumer market is full of challenges. In the new product advertisements, companies have long used colloquial expressions to advocate products. As more and more new products introduce many new features, technical terms which can represent the product's scientific and technological performance have gradually been adopted for product promotion. So how should companies choose between the two types of advertising styles? The present research explores the influences of advertising styles (technical terms and colloquial expressions) on the purchase intentions of different innovative types of products——really new products and incrementally new products. Based on the Linguistic Clues Theory, Construal Level Theory and three experiments, this research proposes and verifies that there is a significant interactive effect between advertising style and product innovation type on consumers' willingness to purchase new products: the advertising style of technical terms could effectively improve consumers' purchase intentions of really new products, and the advertising style of colloquial expressions could effectively improve consumers' purchase intentions of incrementally new products. Processing fluency has a mediating effect in the above-mentioned interaction. In addition, the study also finds the applicability of the above mechanism under the conditions of different product attributes, and excludes the alternative explanations of perceived risk and perceived quality. The conclusion of this paper will provide suggestions for enterprises to improve the effectiveness of new product advertising. 
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The Perception of the Authenticity of Other Consumers’ Usages of Luxury Goods
Wei Xia, Tu Rungting, Jiang Minghua, Li Fei
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (2): 45-66.  
Abstract820)      PDF (1064KB)(4063)       Save

In social interactions, luxury goods usually work as signal revealing the users’ status. In a market with both authentic luxury and counterfeit goods, how the authenticity of luxury goods is perceived by others is an important issue not only for consumers, but also for producers and the whole society as well. Previous studies more focus on the luxury (or counterfeit) user, who sends out luxury information, to study the motivation of luxury consumption. However, how other consumers recode and interpret the luxury information gets inconsiderable less attention, this issue deciding whether and how the luxury goods user’s social motivation can come true. This article aims to explore how the information of luxury goods is interpreted by other consumers and then become influential. The authors find out that the perception of authenticity of luxury goods is a complicated process in which place scheme, character scheme, incident scheme and product scheme can all influence customers’ perception. Through exploratory and empirical study, this paper formed a theoretical model to explain customers’ perception of authenticity of luxury goods.

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Limited-quantity appeal or limited-time appeal can lead to sharing? Perceived scarcity and Altruistic motives’ chain mediation
Zhu Huawei, Tang Dianhua, Duan Xiaoling
Journal of Marketing Science    2018, 14 (2): 84-100.  
Abstract1357)      PDF (1058KB)(2731)       Save

Limited-quantity promotions and limited-time promotions are the main promotions which are used widely both offline and online. Not only stimulating consumers to buy, scarcity promotion but also can bring sharing behavior. However, which kind of promotional methods is more effective is still unknown. And whether different product types(hedonic vs. utilitarian)will bring a different effect? Through the second-hand data analysis and experimental method, this paper draws the following conclusions: limited-quantity promotion will stimulate consumer's higher share behavior than the limited-time promotion; when the product type for the hedonic goods, limited-quantity promotion will also stimulate consumer's higher share behavior than the limited-time promotion, and the gap is further amplified; but when the product type for the utility, the different types of promotions on the sharing have no difference. Perceived scarcity and altruistic motive play a continuous mediating role. And consumers are more willing to share scarce promotions in strong relationships rather than weak relationships.

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Impact of social comparison on conspicuous consumption: a psychological compensation perspective  
Zheng Xiaoying, Peng Siqing, Dai Shanshan
Journal of Marketing Science    2014, 10 (3): 19-31.  
Abstract2027)      PDF (1100KB)(7512)       Save

Based on the psychological compensation mechanism of consumer behavior, the current research examines how social comparison in ability domain influences people’s conspicuous consumption, and explores the possible interventions. Past research regarded conspicuous consumption as a way of signaling social-economic status, which often derived from wealth comparison. Our research proposes that besides wealth comparison, comparison in consumption unrelated domains would also lead to conspicuous consumption. In this mechanism, conspicuous consumption is a way to compensate for the self threat resulted from upward comparison. 2 studies were conducted to confirm our hypothesis. Study 1 indicates that consumers are more likely to spend on conspicuous items after comparing their own academic performance to those better counterparts. Study 2 replicates the result of study 1 using a more general conspicuous consumption measure. Furthermore, we found that the impact of ability comparison on conspicuous consumption diminished if people engaged in a prior self affirmation.

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Smart or Cute? The Influences of the Service Robots’ Characteristics on Customer Satisfaction
Zhu Yimin, Liang Jiaming, Wu Jifei
Journal of Marketing Science    2023, 3 (4): 41-59.  
Abstract460)      PDF (11855KB)(668)       Save
Service robot is considered to be an important way to reduce costs, improve efficiency and promote service innovation. But how to use service robot to improve customer satisfaction, is a core concern of service enterprises. Drawing upon customer value hierarchy theory, this study constructs an impact model of service robots perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness on customer satisfaction, including the boundary condition of consumption motivation and the underlying mechanism of interactive experience. An exploratory study of 2,201 network texts of customers and two empirical studies of 622 adult respondents showed that perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness of service robot positively affect customer satisfaction and downstream behavior (patronage intention and willingness to share). Consumption motivation has a moderating effect on the influence of perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness of service robot. For utilitarian motivation, perceived intelligence has a greater impact on customer satisfaction than hedonic motivation. While for hedonic motivation, perceived cuteness has a greater impact on customer satisfaction than utilitarian motivation. And such moderating effect is mediating by customer engagement. This study not only makes theoretical contribution on clarifying the different effects of perceived intelligence and perceived cuteness of service robots on customer satisfaction, but also provides an important reference for service enterprises to introduce and apply service robots in practice.
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The effect of winning-losing perception on consumers’ risk preference
Wen Beixi, Chang En-Chung
Journal of Marketing Science    2019, 15 (3): 78-93.  
Abstract853)      PDF (10889KB)(1283)       Save
This research examines the effect of success and failure results on consumers’ risk preference. Using different manipulations of success and failure and different measurements of risk preference tendency, five experiments were conducted to demonstrate that a clear success increases consumers’ sense of power, which in turn raises their subsequent risk preference; a clear failure, however, decreases consumers’ sense of power, which in turn reduces their subsequent risk preference. Furthermore, a close result can moderate this effect; that is, the difference between narrow-winners and narrow-losers’ risk preference is weakened. This study further enriches the research about the impact of success or failure on individual’s behavior, and provides suggestions on how to use the results of online and offline competitions to carry out marketing activities.
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Do Consumers Pay Voluntarily? The Inner Drivers of Consumer’s Willingness to Pay under PWYW Pricing
Zhang Hui, Bai Changhong
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (3): 85-101.  
Abstract1351)      PDF (924KB)(4048)       Save

As a new participative pricing mechanism, PWYW pricing delegates the whole price determination to consumers. Previous empirical research has showed that PWYW pricing increases sellers’ profits, even when consumers can self-determine the price, which conflicts with the basic assumption of economic man in traditional economics. Thus, some other drivers must play a role when the PWYW price is determined. Based on social preference theory, we study the influences of altruism, fairness, reciprocity, sense of guilt and price consciousness on consumers willingness to pay under PWYW pricing mechanism, the study show that reciprocity, fairness and price consciousness have a positive impact on consumer’s willingness to pay, besides, these impacts are moderated by the way of transactions.

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Creating a Personal Brand-oriented Virtual Influencer: The Strategy of Emotional Practices
Xu Zhennan, Liu Xi , Liu Guilin
Journal of Marketing Science    2023, 3 (4): 123-143.  
Abstract546)      PDF (11716KB)(595)       Save
With the rapid development of digital technology, virtual influencers have become an important carriers of corporate marketing practices. However, existing research lacks exploration of the growth process of virtual influencers. This study proposes the concept of virtual influencers personal brand through an interpretative research of a core datasets of six virtual influencers under a leading industry company's Weibo accounts. From the perspective of corporate-led marketing practices, a process model for the personal branding of virtual influencers is established in this research. The model highlights the role of e-motional practices, centered around character positioning and self-narration, in establishing the personal brand of virtual influencers. It also elucidates the narrative mechanisms that integrate the human aspect and the technological aspect of virtual influencers ,and the role of identity recognition and intuitive image-building in shaping their influence. Based on this, the study points out the directions that corporates need to focus on the practice of branding virtual influencers.
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