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A Study on the Subjects, Methods and Scholars of Western Marketing Research——A documentary analysis based on Journal of Marketing (2005—2009)
Yang Yimiao, Ma xiaohui, Guo yan
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (2): 107-131.  
Abstract1192)      PDF (1192KB)(8312)       Save

This paper carries out a research by content analysis on 247 academic papers published in the Journal of Marketing during the year of 2005-2009, with a purpose to describe the subjects, methods and scholars of Western marketing research. The findings are as following: the main subjects that Western marketing research focuses on are consumer behavior, products, brands, marketing general management, industrial marketing, advertising and promotion, services marketing, and network marketing, Among which research on the general marketing management, products, brands, industrial marketing, network marketing have an escalating trend, and adverse on the prices and marketing channels, and the subjects on consumer behavior and services marketing remain to be the focus of marketing research. As for research methods of marketing, quantitative research keeps dominated and are used in such marketing research domain as brand, product and personal selling, the experimental method has been more widely used to study consumer behaviors, prices, advertising and promotion, the qualitative research and mixed research are seldom used, the former is used in industrial marketing, general marketing management, and the latter focus on the subject of marketing theory and philosophy. In addition, there exists a diversified form of cooperation among marketing scholars, which includes scholars’ cooperation in a university, among different universities, between university and business and among different counties.

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A Survey of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay: Taking Organic Food as an Example
Xu Yingjun, Yin Shijiu, Song Hongjie, Wu Linhai
Journal of Marketing Science    2015, 11 (3): 120-138.  
Abstract1308)      PDF (1220KB)(6024)       Save

Consumers’ willingness to pay is an important part of the market research. Taking organic food for example, this paper analyzed and compared the main data acquisition methods of consumers’ willingness to pay, such as contingent valuation method, choice experiment, conjoint analysis and experimental auctions and the main data processing approaches such as discrete choice model and Tobit model. And then the paper investigated the main factors affecting the consumers’ willingness to pay and did a systematic summary. In the end, the future research emphasis was presented based on the evaluation and analysis of the existing relative research.

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The Present Situation and Trend of Chinese Brand Naming: Linguistic Approach
Yin Zhiping
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (2): 132-147.  
Abstract690)      PDF (1380KB)(4071)       Save

This study investigates linguistic features in aspects of phonetic, orthographic, semantic, syntactic and rhetoric of 2,600 Chinese brands of 22 different categories of products, and finds that by selecting and polishing linguistic components, Chinese brand name basically implements the brand naming requirements of being short, simple, and distinctive, designating the products or service category and suggesting key attributes and producing inference about key benefits. Based on investigates, this study concludes some trends in Chinese branding. Finally some issue of brand naming study is discussed.

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The Perception of the Authenticity of Other Consumers’ Usages of Luxury Goods
Wei Xia, Tu Rungting, Jiang Minghua, Li Fei
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (2): 45-66.  
Abstract820)      PDF (1064KB)(4063)       Save

In social interactions, luxury goods usually work as signal revealing the users’ status. In a market with both authentic luxury and counterfeit goods, how the authenticity of luxury goods is perceived by others is an important issue not only for consumers, but also for producers and the whole society as well. Previous studies more focus on the luxury (or counterfeit) user, who sends out luxury information, to study the motivation of luxury consumption. However, how other consumers recode and interpret the luxury information gets inconsiderable less attention, this issue deciding whether and how the luxury goods user’s social motivation can come true. This article aims to explore how the information of luxury goods is interpreted by other consumers and then become influential. The authors find out that the perception of authenticity of luxury goods is a complicated process in which place scheme, character scheme, incident scheme and product scheme can all influence customers’ perception. Through exploratory and empirical study, this paper formed a theoretical model to explain customers’ perception of authenticity of luxury goods.

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The effect of winning-losing perception on consumers’ risk preference
Wen Beixi, Chang En-Chung
Journal of Marketing Science    2019, 15 (3): 78-93.  
Abstract853)      PDF (10889KB)(1284)       Save
This research examines the effect of success and failure results on consumers’ risk preference. Using different manipulations of success and failure and different measurements of risk preference tendency, five experiments were conducted to demonstrate that a clear success increases consumers’ sense of power, which in turn raises their subsequent risk preference; a clear failure, however, decreases consumers’ sense of power, which in turn reduces their subsequent risk preference. Furthermore, a close result can moderate this effect; that is, the difference between narrow-winners and narrow-losers’ risk preference is weakened. This study further enriches the research about the impact of success or failure on individual’s behavior, and provides suggestions on how to use the results of online and offline competitions to carry out marketing activities.
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More Convergence vs. More Separation—How Does the Degree of Functional Separation Affect Intention to Use
Zeng Fue, Chen Aoyang, Song Yining
Journal of Marketing Science    2024, 4 (2): 24-43.  
Abstract207)      PDF (12214KB)(388)       Save
A convergent product is a new product that physically integrates the functions of two or more categories into a common product form. Existing literature on convergent products lacks research regarding the degree of functional separation. Therefore, based on the technology acceptance model, the authors explore the impact mechanism of the degree of functional separation on the intention to use. Four studies examine consumers'perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use toward convergent products and how these perceptions change with complementarity. The results show that the higher the degree of the product's functional separation, the higher the consumer's perceived usefulness, and the lower the consumer's perceived ease-of-use. Complementarity weakens the effect of functional separation on perceived usefulness, which means for complementary products, the lower the degree of functional separation, the higher the consumer's intention to use. Therefore, enterprises should consider the complementarity while determining the degree of new product's functional separation. This paper fills the gaps in the related fields and has important practical significance for enterprises designing and developing new products.
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Thoughts on the reconstruction of marketing strategy in the age of digital intelligence
Wei Jiang, Yang Yang, Yang Jia-ming
Journal of Marketing Science    2021, 1 (1): 114-126.  
Abstract1299)      PDF (1463KB)(1949)       Save
The digitalization has brought big changes to the economic society, namely, virtualization of market players, digitization of factors of production, dynamization of the production process and platformization of market organizations. These four features of digitalization have further reconstructed the real management world, resulting in disruptive changes of internal and external relationships between organizations, and the underlying logics of production and operation. The nature of marketing is to answer how to solve the interactive relationship between the supplier and the consumer in the best way to realize the value co-creation. Obviously, digital technology is disrupting the traditional interactive relationship, which greatly weakens the effectiveness of the 4P and 4C marketing matrix. Therefore, we are intended to put forward the 4I (Interaction, Interest, Interface, Iteration) framework to reconstruct the marketing matrix in the age of digital intelligence. Finally, we offer some future topics of marketing strategy research and the new development direction of the discipline.
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Consumer Processing of Carbon Labeling: The Interplay Among Visual Complexity, Processing Fluency, and Attractiveness
JiaJia, Jiang Yushi, Sheng Ping
Journal of Marketing Science    2016, 12 (3): 87-100.  
Abstract800)      PDF (1149KB)(2589)       Save

This study builds on fluency theory within an environmental psychology framework. Employing 3(Carbon Labeling components: color, shape, text)×2(Carbon Labeling visual complexity) subject repeated experiment, we shed lights to the effect between visual complexity of Carbon Labeling and consumers’ attractiveness. Our findings provide there is a significant differences in total fixation duration and number of fixations of consumers on the Carbon Labeling’s shapes, and the texts in terms of on the Carbon Labeling’s shapes, and the texts in terms of whether it’s simple or complex, shapes, texts, and the texts in terms of whether it’s simple or complex, shapes, texts, the simpler of the shapes and texts of Carbon Labeling, the labels are more attractive; the Carbon Labeling which are overall simple(colors, shapes, texts)are more attractive than complex ones for consumers. Furthermore, both studies confirm that processing-fluency mediate the visual complexity-attractiveness relationship. The visual complexity of Carbon Labeling brings low processing fluency to consumers, then reduce attractiveness. In addition, Our findings provide suggestions on the design of carbon labeling from consumer preference perspective, thus giving significant reference to label design of commodities in other types.

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Effect of Product Type and Time Pressure on Consumers’ Online Impulse Buying Intention
Zhao Zhanbo, Du Xiaomeng, Liang Fan, Zhu Xiaoming
Journal of Marketing Science    2015, 11 (2): 118-132.  
Abstract1906)      PDF (983KB)(6252)       Save

Impulse buying has been the focus of attention in the marketing. With the rise of online shopping, online impulse buying phenomenon becomes increasingly serious. The relevant literature is rarely in an online environment, the impulse buying behavior discussed. This paper explores the impact of the type of product and time pressure on consumer online impulse buying intention; this is a relatively new issue in the domestic marketing academics. In this study, the experimental method was adopted to explore the impact of consumer online impulse buying tendencies, the departure from the type of product and the time pressure. The results show that low-involvement emotional products stimulate consumer online impulse buying tendencies. At the same time, there is an interaction effect between time pressure and product type, that is, under the influence of time pressure, low-involvement emotional products to enhance the consumer online impulse buying tendency is more significant.

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Review and Theoretical Development of Marketing Research in China(2005—2020) — Quantitative Analysis and International Comparison Based on Marketing Articles
Wang Rui, Fu Guoqun, Gao Xihan, Sun Yacheng
Journal of Marketing Science    2024, 4 (2): 1-23.  
Abstract258)      PDF (11616KB)(460)       Save
In recent years, China has proposed the construction of a unified national market and the establishment of a new development pattern focused on both domestic and international markets. In this context, the importance of marketing research has become increasingly prominent. Hence, conducting a comprehensive review of academic accomplishments and knowledge landscapes within the realm of marketing in China holds immense significance. It serves as a catalyst for advancing the establishment and growth of marketing disciplines, while also enabling a more effective utilization of academic insights to bolster local marketing practices in China. This paper conducts a literature review and quantitative analysis of marketing articles published in China's premier management journals from 2005 to 2020, focusing on depicting the multidimensional evolutionary trends of research areas, topics, methodologies, and data sources in the field of Chinese marketing. Through a comparative analysis with the development of international marketing research, it illustrates the distinctive features of marketing research in China.
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Global Brand Equity, Brand Authenticity and Purchase Likelihood: Evidence from Chinese Consumers
Wu Yi, He Jiaxun
Journal of Marketing Science    2016, 12 (2): 14-29.  
Abstract1266)      PDF (992KB)(3863)       Save

This study selects two specific global brand equity dimensions, namely, perceived quality and global myth, and introduces an innovative construct, brand authenticity, to explore how global brand equity affects consumer attitude via brand authenticity, and to differentiate the mediating mechanism between global brands from China and from foreign countries. The results indicate: (1) perceived quality and global myth positively affect credibility, symbolism, continuity and integrity respectively;(2) credibility, symbolism and consistency positively affects brand purchase likelihood;(3) to local Chinese consumers, the total effect of perceived quality to brand purchase likelihood is higher in local global brands than that in foreign global brands.

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An Exploratory Research on Fellow Customer’s Reaction to Customer Misbehavior
Fei Xianzheng, Xiao Shengnan
Journal of Marketing Science    2013, 9 (2): 13-38.  
Abstract806)      PDF (1147KB)(3254)       Save

Using critical incident technique (CIT) and grounded theory, this paper explores the fellow customers’ reaction to customer misbehavior. Through in-depth interview, 232 customer misbehavior incidents are collected, and then CIT is used to categorize fellow customers' reaction patterns. Based on this, this paper discovers the antecedents of different reaction patterns. The finding suggests five types of fellow customers’ reaction patterns: helping the jaycustomer, mimicking the misbehavior, looking on indifferently, stopping the misbehavior, and giving himself up to help others. Five reaction patterns are quite different in frequency, motive, performance, and influence on five involved agents. The features of jaycustomer, focal customer, other fellow customers, employee and firm, will determine the choice of focal customer, through the intermediary effect of two mediator variables, that is, expectation of interaction consequence, and judgment on interaction responsibility. From the perspective of fellow customers' interaction, this paper not only enriches the literatures on customer misbehavior, but also provides managerial implication for customer misbehavior management and employee training program.

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The Impact of Event Marketing on Movie Box Office Revenue
Sun Lei,Zhai Xin
Journal of Marketing Science    2018, 14 (2): 101-120.  
Abstract1079)      PDF (1067KB)(2283)       Save

Based on the data on 898 films released in China between September 2014 to December 2017 from China Box Office(,we examine the relationship between the intensity of event marketing and movie box office revenue. The results show that:(1)Event marketing promotes the box office revenue of the movie in general. As the intensity of event marketing increases,the box office revenue increases first and then decreases,showing an inverted U-shape relationship.(2)Some attributes of the movie,like sequel film or imported film,positively impact the movie box office revenue but reduce the effectiveness of event marketing.(3)The appropriate timing for event marketing is the 4th and the 6th week before release and the 2nd week after release. Each additional event marketing can increase the box office revenue by up to 59%.(4)The most favorable type of event marketing is theme song,followed by premiere,meeting,specials,posters,conferences,trailers,and other types of event marketing are not significant.

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Study  on  the  Inverted  U-shape  Effects  of  Streamers  Volume  on  Brands' Sales  Performances  in Live  Streaming  Commerce—Empirical  Evidences  from  the  Cosmetics  Industry
Li Guoxin, Tang Peiwen
Journal of Marketing Science    2024, 4 (1): 18-35.  
Abstract551)      PDF (9888KB)(891)       Save
In live  streaming commerce, the streamer group is the core factor that drives product's sales performance. This study aims  to understand  how  the  combinations  of streamers  volume, product's  line  breadth, and brand  type  influence  brands'sales performances in live streaming commerce. The study collected panel data on Douyin live streaming platform in an 18-week period from August to December 2020 of 17 luxury brands and 27 non-luxury brands that are representatives of the cosmetics industry, which  includes  261  streamers, 1,658 products and  3,119  live  broadcasts. We  used  a  two-way  fixed  effects  model  with STATA software, and  found  that  streamer  volume  has  a significant  inverted  U-shaped  impact  on brands' live  sales, and  the breadth  of product's  line  has  a  significantly  direct positive  impact  on  brands' live  sales. Besides, product's  line  breadth and brand type moderate the above inverted U-shaped effect.
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The Development of Three Key Issues in Positioning Theory
LiFei, HuKai, MiBu
Journal of Marketing Science   
Do Consumers Pay Voluntarily? The Inner Drivers of Consumer’s Willingness to Pay under PWYW Pricing
Zhang Hui, Bai Changhong
Journal of Marketing Science    2011, 7 (3): 85-101.  
Abstract1351)      PDF (924KB)(4048)       Save

As a new participative pricing mechanism, PWYW pricing delegates the whole price determination to consumers. Previous empirical research has showed that PWYW pricing increases sellers’ profits, even when consumers can self-determine the price, which conflicts with the basic assumption of economic man in traditional economics. Thus, some other drivers must play a role when the PWYW price is determined. Based on social preference theory, we study the influences of altruism, fairness, reciprocity, sense of guilt and price consciousness on consumers willingness to pay under PWYW pricing mechanism, the study show that reciprocity, fairness and price consciousness have a positive impact on consumer’s willingness to pay, besides, these impacts are moderated by the way of transactions.

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The Impact of Word-of-Mouth on Box office——A Dynamic Competitive View
Journal of Marketing Science    2016, 12 (3): 1-17.  
Abstract982)      PDF (917KB)(4189)       Save

Whereas the traditional focus in Word-of-Mouth (WOM) literature has been on understanding how WOM of a movie influence the box office of its own, this research investigates the impact of WOM on box office in a dynamic competitive view. We propose that movies released in the same schedule compete with each other dynamically, thus the box office of a movie not only depends on the WOM of its own, but also relates to the WOM of peer movies’ in the same schedule. Using box office and WOM data of 780 movies during 2011-2014 in mainland china, we found that the gap between a focal movie’s WOM valence and the highest WOM valence in the same schedule has a negative impact on the box office of the focal movie. Moreover, this effect is moderated by the number of movies in the schedule and the season the movie is released (whether it’s high season or not). The marketing strategy is discussed as well based on these findings.

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Limited-quantity appeal or limited-time appeal can lead to sharing? Perceived scarcity and Altruistic motives’ chain mediation
Zhu Huawei, Tang Dianhua, Duan Xiaoling
Journal of Marketing Science    2018, 14 (2): 84-100.  
Abstract1357)      PDF (1058KB)(2731)       Save

Limited-quantity promotions and limited-time promotions are the main promotions which are used widely both offline and online. Not only stimulating consumers to buy, scarcity promotion but also can bring sharing behavior. However, which kind of promotional methods is more effective is still unknown. And whether different product types(hedonic vs. utilitarian)will bring a different effect? Through the second-hand data analysis and experimental method, this paper draws the following conclusions: limited-quantity promotion will stimulate consumer's higher share behavior than the limited-time promotion; when the product type for the hedonic goods, limited-quantity promotion will also stimulate consumer's higher share behavior than the limited-time promotion, and the gap is further amplified; but when the product type for the utility, the different types of promotions on the sharing have no difference. Perceived scarcity and altruistic motive play a continuous mediating role. And consumers are more willing to share scarce promotions in strong relationships rather than weak relationships.

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Does Self-Control Really Bring Happiness-Effects of Self-Control on Subjective and Objective Happiness
Zhao Xiaohua, Zheng Yuhuang
Journal of Marketing Science    2017, 13 (1): 22-40.  
Abstract613)      PDF (1421KB)(1471)       Save

With the "happiness" gradually got more and more attention from the academic research, based on the self-control theory, we investigated the relationship between trait self-control, overcontrol and the subjective well-being, and explored the effect of self-control behavior on objective happiness, as well as the moderating effects of goal realization and locus of control. Through two surveys, we found that trait self-control has a significant positive impact on subjective well-being, while overcontrol is negatively related with subjective well-being. Moreover, we conducted four experiments and the results showed that the self-control behavior has a significant negative impact on objective happiness and the goal realization and locus of control both have significant moderating effect on the relationship between self-control behavior and objective happiness. When the related goal was not realized, the self-control behavior’s negative effect on objective happiness is significant. But when the related goal was realized, the effect disappeared. In addition, for consumers believing external control, self-control behavior has significant negative impact on objective happiness regardless whether the goal was realized, while for consumers believing internal control, self-control behavior has significant positive impact on objective happiness, in which guilt plays a significant mediating role

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