Journal of Marketing Science

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The Relationship among China’s Country Image, Corporate Image and Brand Image: A Perspective of Korean Consumers

Fan Qingji   

  1. College of Business Administration, Pai Chai University, Korea
  • Online:2011-01-25 Published:2013-04-16



The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of China’s country image on consumer’s evaluation of brand. Drawing upon the literature of country image and country of origin effect, this study developed the research model that can be used to evaluate the country image, corporate image and brand image. In order to test the model, a survey was carried out towards Korean consumers to examine their attitudes to Chinese famous brand which names as Haier, together to investigate the effects of country image, corporate image and brand image on brand attitude and purchase intentions. As a result, China’s county image was composed by four dimensions which were country political image, country economic image, people image and country relative image. Country image directly had a positive impact on brand attitude, on the other side; through brand attitude country image also indirectly had a positive impact on consumer’s purchase intentions. Corporate image and brand image not only had positive impacts on brand attitude, but also directly had positive impacts on consumer’s purchase intentions. In addition country image had a positive impact on corporate image; through corporate image country image also indirectly had a positive impact on brand image. These findings not only provided theoretical evidence to the study of China’s country image but also gave empirical evidence to “going global” strategy towards Chinese enterprises.

Key words: Country Image, Corporate image, Brand image, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intention, Country of Origin Effect