Journal of Marketing Science ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3): 1-18.


Pros and Cons or only Pros—The Effects of Message Sidedness on Sustainable Consumer Behavioral Intentions

Zhang Yi,Yan Li,Wang Yonggui   

  1. Zhang Yi,College of Business Administration,Capital University of Economics and Business;  Yan Li,College of Business Administration,Capital University of Economics and Business;  Wang Yonggui,College of Business Administration,Zhejiang Gongshang University
  • Online:2024-07-16 Published:2024-12-27

Abstract: Firms frequently use message prompts to influence consumer decision-making and behavior. However, research on the boundary conditions and mechanisms driving the effects of these prompts remains limited. The present research investigates how perceived self-control and dialectical thinking influence the effectiveness of message sidedness (one-sided vs. two-sided messages) on sustainable behavioral intentions. Across the experiments, we found that two-sided message prompts were more effective for consumers with high self-control. The interaction between message sidedness and self-control was serially mediated by perceived trust towards the message prompts and the platform. Additionally, dialectical thinking enhanced consumers' perceived trust in two-sided message prompts, further boosting sustainable behavioral intentions. These findings contribute to a better understanding of prompt effectiveness and offer practical guidance for firms, platforms, and policymakers on promoting sustainable consumption more effectively.

Key words: message , sidedness, sustainable consumer behavior, trust, self-control, dialectical , thinking