Journal of Marketing Science ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 1-17.

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Does Native Advertising Really Work—A Review of Factors Affecting Native Advertising Effectiveness

Wang Jun, Liu Yi   

  1. Wang Jun,Antai College of Economics and Management,Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Liu Yi,Antai College of Economics and Management,Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Online:2024-01-16 Published:2024-05-30

Abstract: Native  advertising, as  the  new  darling  of brand  marketing  communication  in  the digital age, is  widely  used  in  major  new media platforms, driving  in-depth  discussion and research  on  native  advertising. However, the existing  research  on  native  advertising  has problems  such  as  inconsistent concepts, scattered  research  systems, and  inconsistent conclusions  on  advertising effectiveness, which  hinder  the  further development  of  native  advertising research. Combined  with  the  literature  research  methods, and  based  on  the “5W  model” of  the  communication  process, this  paper  clarifies  the  concept  and  types  of  native advertising, summarizes and analyzes the influencing factors of native advertising effectiveness in existing research, outlines the  existing  research  outline, and  discusses  future  research  directions, in  order  to  provide  a  foundation  and  ideas  for  future theoretical research and corporate practice in this field.

Key words: native advertising, advertising effectiveness, conceptual basis, influencing factors