Journal of Marketing Science ›› 2016, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2): 87-99.

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The effects of online product presentation’s sensory cues on consumer’s purchase intention: A mental imagery perspective

Su Jinglei, Yin Chengyue, Guo Shuai   

  1. Su Jinglei, School of Business, Northeast Normal University.
    Yin Chengyue, School of Business, Northeast Normal University.
    Guo Shuai, School of Business, Northeast Normal University.
  • Online:2016-06-01 Published:2016-09-29


Based on a imagery perspective, we examine the role of online product presentation’s sensory cues in consumer’s purchase intention through 2 empirical study. Study 1 conducts a 2(text contains sensory cues: yes vs. no)×2(consumer fantasy proneness: high vs. low) between subject experimental method, we find that sensory cues in the text have significant effect on imagery evoked, fantasy proneness regulates the process of influence of sensory cues on imagery evoked, the degree of imagery evoked have a positive effect on consumer’s purchase intention. Study 2 conducts a 2(text contains sensory cues: yes vs. no)×2(product categories: search product vs. experience product) between subject experimental method, we find that imagery evoked under experience product is more effective than search product in increasing purchase intention.

Key words: Mental imagery, Imagery evoked, Sensory cues, product categories