营销科学学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (4): 97-108.

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网店商品图片信息对顾客购买意愿的影响 ――产品类型的调节效应


  1. 范钧,浙江工商大学工商管理学院市场营销系教授,博士生导师,E-mail:fj@zjgsu.edu.cn。
  • 出版日期:2014-12-01 发布日期:2015-01-30
  • 基金资助:


The Impact of Product Image on Consumer’s Purchasing Intentions ――Based on Moderating Effects of Product Type

Fan Jun,Shen Dongqiang,Lin Fan   

  1. School of Business Administration,Zhejiang Gongshang University
  • Online:2014-12-01 Published:2015-01-30



关键词: 图片完整性, 图片来源, 产品类型, 顾客购买意愿, ELM


Employing the ELM model, this research examines how different image integrity and source influence the consumer's purchasing intentions and the moderating effects of product category through two between-subjects experimental designs. The results indicate that the incomplete of on-line shops' images has a significant negative impact on consumer's purchasing intentions, experience goods suffered greater effect than search goods. Using both "Enterprise Publishing Pictures" and "Users Sharing Pictures" will improve consumer's purchasing intentions significantly. And it has greater impact on experience goods compared to search goods. The results also reveal that the images’ impact on both kinds of goods' consumer's purchasing intentions exhibits no significant difference if "Enterprise Publishing Pictures" and "Users Sharing Pictures" are used solely.

Key words: Image Integrity, Image Source, Product Type, Consumer's Purchasing Intentions, Elaboration Likelihood Model