营销科学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 139-157.

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  1. 李达军,通信作者,厦门大学新闻传播学院助理教授 E-mail: lidajun@xmu.edu.cn
  • 出版日期:2024-04-16 发布日期:2024-11-28
  • 基金资助:

Why is the Popularity Short? Research on the Formation Mechanism of Internet-Famous Stores—The Evidence from Multiple Cases and Semantic Network Analysis

Li Dajun   

  1. Li Dajun, School of Journalism and Communication, Xiamen University
  • Online:2024-04-16 Published:2024-11-28

摘要: 近几年中国各大城市的网红商店如雨后春笋般涌现。一方面,我们看到基于社交网络走红的网红商店享受了流量红利;另一方面,我们也见证了网红商店“迅速崛起,但昙花一现”的残酷现状。基于此矛盾现象,本文深入探究中国网红商店的形成机理,并且挖掘网红商店“红不久”的原因。基于“过度营销”理论与“去营销”理论,本研究首先对国内六家网红餐厅、咖啡馆进行田野调查,然后采用多案例研究与语义网络分析方法,剖析网红商店的形成机理、现存问题以及对策。研究发现:(1)经营初期,网红达人过度传播网红商店,并吸引大量新顾客关注;(2)经营中期,网红商店实际体验未达到顾客预先期望,并造成顾客失望;(3)经营后期,老顾客负面评论导致网红商店销量下降,并最终资金链断裂。对比“百年老店”的长青营销理论,本文最后讨论了理论与实践贡献。

关键词: 网红商店, 形成机理, 多案例研究, 语义网络分析

Abstract: In recent years, internet-famous stores have sprung up in major cities in China. On the one hand, internet-famous stores become popular based on social network influencer marketing; on the other hand, we also witness the cruel status quo of these stores that "be popular and die quickly". Based on this contradictory phenomenon, this study deeply explores the formation mechanism of internet-famous stores and finds the reasons why these stores are closed quickly. Based on the Eastern "over-marketing"and the Western "de-marketing" theories, this study first conducts fieldwork on six restaurants and cafes, and then uses multiple case studies and semantic network analysis to analyze the formation mechanism of internet- famous stores. The study found that: (1) in the early stage, internet celebrities over-promoted these stores and attracted many new customers; (2) in the middle stage, the experience of these stores did not meet customers' expectations and caused customer disappointment; (3) in the final stage, negative WOMs led to a decline in sales of these stores. Comparing the evergreen marketing theory, this article finally discusses the theoretical and practical contributions.

Key words: internet-famous stores, formation mechanism, multiple case studies, semantic network analysis