营销科学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 121-138.

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  1. 陈星宇,武汉大学经济与管理学院博士研究生,E-mail:xingyuchen94@hotmail.com; 黄敏学,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授,E-mail:huangminxue@whu.edu.cn; 余正东,通信作者,成都市锦江区委机构编制委员会办公室,E-mail:2324365557@qq.com ; 王娅婷,武汉大学经济与管理学院硕士研究生,E-mail:imwyt_211@163.com
  • 出版日期:2024-04-16 发布日期:2024-11-28
  • 基金资助:

The Matching Effect of Information Abstractness and Repetition Strategy in Continuous Exposure of Targeted Advertising

Chen Xingyu, Huang Minxue, Yu Zhengdong, Wang Yating   

  1. Chen Xingyu, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University;  Huang Minxue, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University;  Yu Zhengdong, Jinjiang District Standing Committee, Chengdu;  Wang Yating, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University
  • Online:2024-04-16 Published:2024-11-28

摘要: 技术赋能下,定向广告可以对目标受众进行短期连续投放以促进转化,并且可以对内容形式进行略微调整以吸引注意,不过广告内容完全不变的重复策略依然受到一些广告主的青睐,典型如开屏广告。基于此,本研究对定向广告在进行短期连续曝露时,是采取内容完全不变的重复策略还是采取略微变化的重复策略进行了探究。基于解释水平理论,本文将广告信息内容分为抽象信息和具象信息,例如无形的品牌利益和具体的产品属性;并认为抽象信息适合于内容不变的重复策略,以保持用户处理广告内容的流畅性;而具象信息更适合于内容变化的重复策略,可提升广告效果。两个情景实验的结果表明,对于抽象信息,采用内容不变的重复策略的广告获得的点击意愿和产品评价更高;而对于具象信息,采用内容变化的重复策略的广告获得的点击意愿和产品评价显著高于采用内容不变的重复策略的;其中,处理流畅性是解释上述匹配效应的有效中介机制。

关键词: 重复策略, 信息抽象性, 解释水平, 处理流畅性, 广告效果

Abstract: With the empowerment of technology, targeted advertising can be delivered to the target consumers repetitively in a short period to promote conversion, and the advertising content can be slightly changed to attract attention. However, the strategy of unchanged content in repetitive advertising exposure is still favored by some advertisers, such as splash ads. This Study explores whether the targeted advertising should adopt slightly changed or unchanged content in its short-term continuous exposure. Based on the construal level theory, this research divides advertising content into abstract information such as intangible brand benefits, and concrete information such as specific product attributes. We suppose that the abstract information can match with the unchanged content in the repetition strategy due to advertising processing fluency for viewers, whereas the concrete information is more compatible with the changed content in the repetition strategy, which can improve the advertising performance. The results of two scenario experiments show that the unchanged content strategy can induce higher click intention and product evaluation for advertising of abstract information. On the contrary, changed content increases the click intention and product evaluation for advertising of concrete information. Processing fluency is an effective underlying mechanism for the above matching effect.

Key words: repetition strategy, information abstractness, construal level, processing fluency, advertising performance