营销科学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 139-157.

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  1. 于春玲,清华大学经济管理学院市场营销系副教授,E-mail:yuchl@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn  梁璐琪,通信作者,清华大学经济管理学院市场营销系博士研究生,E-mail:lianglq22@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn  张硕,清华大学经济管理学院市场营销系博士研究生,E-mail:surezhang₁995@163.com  周磊,清华大学经济管理学院市场营销系硕士研究生,E-mail:zhoull8@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
  • 出版日期:2024-01-16 发布日期:2024-05-30

Brand Globalization Paths of Chinese Central State-owned Enterprises in Foreign Markets Along the Belt and Road: A Dual Case Study on Sinoma Cement and CNPC Richfit

Yu Chunling,Liang Lugi,Zhang Shuo,Zhou Lei   

  1. Yu Chunling, School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University;  Liang Lugi, School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University;  Zhang Shuo, School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University;  Zhou Lei, School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University;
  • Online:2024-01-16 Published:2024-05-30

摘要: 在“国内大循环”“国内国际双循环”背景下,中国企业向“一带一路”沿线市场的拓展成为关注焦点。本文聚焦中国央企,采用双案例研究方法,从全球营销战略视角,基于制度理论和资源基础理论,探究中国央企品牌在“一带一路”市场的品牌国际化路径。研究问题包括:(1)央企品牌在进入“一带一路”东道国市场过程中,具有哪些优势及面临怎样的挑战?(2)央企在“一带一路”沿线国家如何分阶段实现品牌国际化?(3)在品牌国际化的不同阶段,央企发挥何种能力,以获取合法性并建立竞争优势?本研究发现:央企品牌的国际化经历品牌进入期、品牌差异化优势打造期及品牌形象培育期,央企品牌需获取认知合法性以进入东道国市场、获取实用合法性以建立差异化优势,以及获取道德合法性以培育品牌形象;来自中国政府、国内商业网络和企业自身所在集团的资源支持成为央企品牌国际化的独特优势,且资源间的异质性决定了企业国际化战略的具体表现形式。在品牌国际化的不同阶段,央企通过发挥洞察与整合能力、开发与增值能力,以及沟通与联结能力应对品牌合法性挑战,实现国际营销能力的提升。本研究丰富了关于新兴市场跨国企业进入发展中国家市场以实现品牌国际化的理论,对中国企业,尤其是央企,在“一带一路”市场的品牌国际化实践具有启示。

关键词: 品牌国际化, “一带一路”市场, 国际营销能力, 中央企业, 案例研究

Abstract:  In the context of the“domestic market's great circulation”and the“dual circulation of domestic and foreign markets”, global strategies of Chinese enterprises, especially in the markets along the Belt and Road, have attracted great attention in both industrial and academic fields. Based on the perspective of the Global Marketing Strategy Model, Institutional Theory and Resource-Based Theory, this research targeted Chinese central state-owned enterprises, and used dual-case study to explore their specific paths and mechanisms of brand globalizations in the countries along the Belt and Road. Research questions included the followings:(1) the advantages and challenges of Chinese central state-owned enterprises during the globalization process; (2) the stages of brand globalization; (3) the international marketing capabilities deployed to improve legitimacy and to establish competitive advantages. The conclusions demonstrated that motivated by internal and external factors, brand globalizations of Chinese central state-owned enterprises involved three stages:brand entry, brand differentiation and brand image cultivation. In each stage, enterprises needed to obtain externally cognitive, moral and pragmatic legitimacy respectively. Responsively, their internal resources, from the Chinese government, domestic business networks and their own,   provided strong supports, and three international marketing capabilities, namely percept and integration capability, development and value-added capability, and communication and bonding capability, could be leveraged to strengthen brand legitimacies. The conclusions enrich the theory of brand internationalization, and shed lights especially for emerging-market multi- national enterprises which enterred the developing markets. This research also provides managerial implications on brand globalization strategy for Chinese enterprises. 

Key words: brand globalization, the Belt and Road market, international marketing capability, Chinese central state-owned enterprise, case study