营销科学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 121-138.

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  1. 王长征,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授,E-mail: baiyanlang2@sina.com  武晶晶,通信作者,武汉大学经济与管理学院硕士研究生,E-mail: wujiwhu@163.com  蔡爱新,中国地质大学(武汉)艺术与传媒学院讲师,E-mail: caiaixin@cug.edu.cn 张溪溪,武汉大学经济与管理学院硕士研究生,E-mail:17860621833@163.com  蔡文培,武汉大学经济与管理学院硕士研究生,E-mail: c13149391952@126.com
  • 出版日期:2024-01-16 发布日期:2024-05-30
  • 基金资助:

Technical or Colloquial——The Influence of Innovative Product's Advertising Style on Consumer's Product Adoption

Wang Changzheng,Wu Jingjing,Cai Aixin,Zhang Xixi,Cai Wenpei   

  1. Wang Changzheng, School of Economics and Management,Wuhan University;  Wu Jingjing, School of Economics and Management,Wuhan University;  Cai Aixin, School of Arts and Communication,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan;  Zhang Xixi, School of Economics and Management,Wuhan University;  Cai Wenpei, School of Economics and Management,Wuhan University;
  • Online:2024-01-16 Published:2024-05-30

摘要: 在新产品广告中,企业使用通俗语言进行描述的做法由来已久。随着新产品引入了许多新特性,体现产品科技效能的专业性语言逐渐被采用,以进行产品宣传。企业应该如何选择广告语体风格?基于语言线索和解释水平理论,本文验证了广告语体风格(专业术语vs.通俗用语)与产品创新类型(突破式vs.渐进式)对消费者购买意愿存在显著交互作用:专业术语的语体风格能有效提高消费者对突破式创新产品的购买意愿;通俗用语的语体风格能有效提高消费者对渐进式创新产品的购买意愿,加工流畅度中介了上述交互作用。此外,本研究还发现了不同产品属性条件下上述机制的适用性,并排除了感知风险与感知质量的替代性解释。本文结论将为企业提升新产品广告劝诱效果提供建议。

关键词: 加工流畅度, 专业术语, 通俗用语, 突破式创新产品, 渐进式创新产品

Abstract: Launching new products to the consumer market is full of challenges. In the new product advertisements, companies have long used colloquial expressions to advocate products. As more and more new products introduce many new features, technical terms which can represent the product's scientific and technological performance have gradually been adopted for product promotion. So how should companies choose between the two types of advertising styles? The present research explores the influences of advertising styles (technical terms and colloquial expressions) on the purchase intentions of different innovative types of products——really new products and incrementally new products. Based on the Linguistic Clues Theory, Construal Level Theory and three experiments, this research proposes and verifies that there is a significant interactive effect between advertising style and product innovation type on consumers' willingness to purchase new products: the advertising style of technical terms could effectively improve consumers' purchase intentions of really new products, and the advertising style of colloquial expressions could effectively improve consumers' purchase intentions of incrementally new products. Processing fluency has a mediating effect in the above-mentioned interaction. In addition, the study also finds the applicability of the above mechanism under the conditions of different product attributes, and excludes the alternative explanations of perceived risk and perceived quality. The conclusion of this paper will provide suggestions for enterprises to improve the effectiveness of new product advertising. 

Key words: processing fluency, technical terms, colloquial expressions, really new products, incrementally new products