营销科学,创新,量化研究 ," /> 营销科学,创新,量化研究 ,"/> 思考变革中的营销科学:挑战,前沿,困惑与创新

营销科学学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 91-96.

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  1. 陈宇新,上海纽约大学商学部主任,杰出全球商学讲席教授,电子邮箱:yc18@nyu.edu
  • 出版日期:2021-07-16 发布日期:2021-10-29

Thoughts on Marketing Science in the Era of Changes: Challenges, Frontiers, Puzzles and Paths to Innovation

Yuxin Chen   

  1. Yuxin Chen, NYU Shanghai
  • Online:2021-07-16 Published:2021-10-29

摘要: 《营销科学学报》正式创刊号的发行是中国营销学界的一件盛事。值此机会,本文分享了作者对营销科学学术研究所面临挑战的一些个人思考,以期在变革中展望未来。基于作者个人的研究实践与观察,本文进一步讨论了营销科学学术研究的当下热点与趋势,以及学术共同体所面对的一些共同困惑。最后,本文聚焦于对中国营销科学研究创新机遇的探讨,并就相关创新路径提出了一些初步建议。

关键词: 营销科学')">

营销科学, 创新, 量化研究

Abstract: In this invited essay on the celebration of the official launch of Journal of Marketing Science in China, I share some thoughts on the challenges and opportunities faced by marketing science researchers as the results of the changing technological, social and business environment. The discussion then moves on to the latest developments and the emerging trends in the field as observed by the author, as well as the concerns regarding the future success of quant marketing research. The essay ends with a few suggestions on the paths to the highly expected innovations and research contributions by the academia of marketing science in China.

Key words: Marketing Science, Innovation, Quantitative Research