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  1. 银成钺,东北师范大学商学院市场营销系副教授,Email:yincy653@nenu.edu.cn。
  • 出版日期:2012-12-01 发布日期:2013-03-20
  • 基金资助:


Interactional service failures in a pseudo relationship:The role of consumers’ implicit theories of personality

Yin Chengyue, Liu Jinxing   

  1. Business school of Northeast Normal University
  • Online:2012-12-01 Published:2013-03-20


 人们在很多时候虽然会接受同一组织的多次服务,但每次与其进行接触的往往是不同员工,这种现象即顾客与服务组织建立了假性关系。由于服务接触点的增多造成了服务的异质性特征更明显,假性关系下的服务失败现象更为普遍且归因和评价更为复杂。基于此,本研究尝试以个体所持有的内隐人格理论对顾客进行细分,探讨实体论者和渐变论者这两种消费者在面对假性关系下的服务失败时,其对于失败归因及对当事员工和组织的评价是否存在差异。研究以连锁快捷酒店为研究对象,采用2(内隐人格理论:实体论 Vs. 渐变论)×2(过去的服务经历:较好 Vs. 较差)×2(服务失误程度:严重 Vs. 轻微)的实验设计的方法,结果发现相对于渐变论者,实体论者在前期服务经历较好时,对严重服务失败的可控性和整体性归因要更低,而无论失败严重和轻微,实体论者对当事员工的满意度都要更低,而对组织的满意度更高;另一方面,如果前期经历较差,实体论者对轻微失败的可控性和整体性归因要更高,对组织的满意程度则更低;而在失败严重时,实体论者对当事员工的满意度更高。

关键词: 假性关系, 服务交互, 服务失败, 内隐人格理论


Usually, customer interacts with different frontline employees across encounters with a service organization; this situation is defined as a service pseudo relationship. Under the circumstance, the characteristic of service heterogeneity could be more significant due to the increasing service encounter, so that service failure shows more common and the attributions and evaluations toward thus failure would be more complicated. Based on this, the present study attempts to investigates consumers’ attributions and judgments on offending employee and service organization base on their implicit theories of personality when face to a interactional service failures within pseudo relationships. By using express chain hotels as research object in a 2×2×2 experimental design, our empirical results show that compared to incremental theorists, entity theorists’ controllability and globality attributions toward a serious service failure can be lowered by positive past experience with the organization, while whatever the level of service failure, entity theorists feel more dissatisfaction with the offending employee, but feel more satisfaction with the organization; on the other hand, when faced to a mild service failure, entity theorists’ controllability and globality attributions can be increased and satisfaction toward the organization can be lowered by a negative past experience; while entity theorists’ feel more satisfaction with the organization when serious service failure happens.

Key words: Pseudo relationship, service interaction, service failure, implicit theory of personality